program define tabout *! Version 3.0.9b beta Ian Watson 17apr2019 * fixed dropc problem (3.0.8 was an interim solution which rolled * back to 3.0.4. This fix is a new fix) - thanks Floris Lazrak * Version 3.0.7b beta Ian Watson 14mar2018 * bug fix - wrong row and column totals in svy summary tables when some observations were missing, thanks Ulrich Brandt *! Stata 13.1 version * added units option for LaTeX output, allowing for options such as columnwidth in twidth, thanks Gilbert Montcho * extended bug fix to plugc and plugr 3oct2018 * Version 3.0.4 beta Ian Watson 23may2018 * fixed bug in dropc and dropr options, thanks Charlotte Gill * remember the space problem with style.css * thanks to Peter Young for the multiplier option * 2.0.7 Ian Watson 5jan2015 * bug fix - missing se option when doing counts for svy col and row totals, resulting in cell se not count se going into col and row totals, thanks Anwar Dudekula * 2.0.6 Ian Watson 22nov2012 * added sort option, as per Thomas Odeny request * bug fix - where variables have complete missing values, a warning is issues and program terminates, thanks Richard Fox * 2.0.5 Ian Watson 31may2011 * added comma option, code contributed by Arjan Soede * inserted warning in tutorial noting h1 thru h3 are limited to 256 characters, thanks Johannes Geyer * 2.0.42 Ian Watson 10nov2010 * fixed typo in fweight option, thanks Jonathan Gardner * 2.0.41 Ian Watson 7nov2010 * added omitted line for do_pop global macro, thanks Mitch Abdon * 2.0.4 Ian Watson 1nov2010 * fixed bug for long variable list, thanks Eric Booth * fixed bug with parsing when last variable is a string one, thanks Mikko Rönkkö * changed "-1" to "-999" in various presentation functions, thanks Axel Engellandt * various enhancements requesed by Stata users * missing option, thanks Cathy Redmond * semi-colon delimiter, thanks Ulrich Atz * weighted pop estimates for svy option, thanks Nirmala Devi Naidoo * frequency weights now allow long integers, thanks Thomas Masterson * 2.0.3 Ian Watson 1apr2007 * fixed obs for svy basic tables (now uses ObsSub) * 2.0.2 Ian Watson 21mar2007 * added string to syntax for cisep (was missing) * changed options for bracket: cibnone and sebnone * instead of nocib noseb * fixed oneway problems (N labels, add_nrow indexing) * added dots for svy commands * 2.0.1 Ian Watson 16mar2007 * fixed percent in oneway * removed $ around <> in texclean * added noffset option * made nwt global in svy_sum * removed wtstr in ta from summary tables * fixed typo in cblock rblock * fixed typo in nwt option * 2.0.0 Ian Watson 30nov2006 * 1.2.0 Ian Watson 13mar2005 * 1.1.8 Ian Watson 30nov2004 * 1.1.0 Ian Watson 28oct2004 * Program to produce publication quality tables * See tabout_tutorial.pdf at version 9.2 syntax varlist [if] [in] [fweight aweight iweight] using/ [, /// REPlace /// APPend /// Contents(string) /// Format(string) /// clab(string) /// /// LAYout(string) /// npos(string) /// nlab(string) /// nwt(string) /// NOFFset(string) /// stats(string) /// stpos(string) /// stlab(string) /// stform(string) /// ppos(string) /// plab(string) /// pform(string) /// cisep(string) /// MULTiplier(string) /// Level(string) /// delim(string) /// MONey(string) /// CHKWTnone /// dropc(string) /// dropr(string) /// plugc(string) /// plugr(string) /// PLUGLab(string) /// PLUGSYMbol(string) /// show(string) /// wide(string) /// TOTal(string) /// PTOTal(string) /// h1(string) /// h2(string) /// h3(string) /// h1c(string) /// h2c(string) /// h3c(string) /// ltrim(string) /// topf(string) /// botf(string) /// topstr(string) /// botstr(string) /// PSymbol(string) /// tp(string) /// style(string) /// font(string) /// css(string) /// units(string) /// TWidth(string) /// LWidth(string) /// CWidth(string) /// FAMily(string) /// fsize(string) /// ROTate(string) /// sheet(string) /// LOCation(string) /// indent(string) /// title(string) /// fn(string) /// PAPer(string) /// doctype(string) /// caplab(string) /// cappos(string) /// * /// ] *------------------------ setup ------------------------- *------------------------ config file ------------------- global dotss "nois _dots 0, title(Survey results being calculated)" global dots "nois _dots 5 0" global delim = cond("`delim'"~="","`delim'","|") local optionlist "debug ci2col open topbody botbody stars" local optionlist = "`optionlist' pop body compile noborder" local optionlist = "`optionlist' nohlines noplines seb cib ntc ssf" local optionlist = "`optionlist' landscape tleft sum sort svy dpcomma" local optionlist = "`optionlist' hright oneway mi nnoc chkwtnone" local infile = cond("`tp'"~="","`tp'","") if "`infile'" !="" { tempname tpfile capture findfile "`infile'" if _rc { di di as error "Your template file `infile' was not found." di clearglobs exit 601 } file open `tpfile' using "`infile'", read di di as text "Some tabout options loaded from template file: `infile'" file read `tpfile' line while r(eof) == 0 { file read `tpfile' line if "`line'" !="" { if (regexm("`optionlist'", "`line'")) != 0 { local options = "`options'" + " `line'" } else { if (regexm("`line'", "\(")) == 0 { tokenize "`line'", parse("(") local value = "`1'" local newcmd = `"local `1' = "`value'""' } else { tokenize "`line'", parse("(") local value = regexr("`3'", "\)", "") local newcmd = `"local `1' = "`value'""' } `newcmd' } } } file close `tpfile' } global debug = "qui" global do_pseudo = 0 global do_open = 0 global do_topbody = 0 global do_botbody = 0 global do_stars = 0 global do_pop = 0 global do_body = 0 global do_compile = 0 global do_border = 1 global do_hlines = 1 global do_plines = 1 global noseb = 0 global nocib = 0 global ntc = 0 global dpcomma = "." global ssf = 0 global do_land = 0 global do_tleft = 0 global do_sum = 0 global do_svy = 0 global do_sort = 0 global do_hright = 0 global oneway = 0 global mi = "" global do_nnoc = 0 global chkwtnone = "" local m : word count `options' tokenize `options' forval p = 1/`m' { if ("``p''" == "debug") global debug = "" if ("``p''" == "ci2col") global do_pseudo = 1 if ("``p''" == "open") global do_open = 1 if ("``p''" == "topbody") global do_topbody = 1 if ("``p''" == "botbody") global do_botbody = 1 if ("``p''" == "stars") global do_stars = 1 if ("``p''" == "pop") global do_pop = 1 if ("``p''" == "body") global do_body = 1 if (substr("``p''", 1, 4) == "comp") global do_compile = 1 if (substr("``p''", 1, 6) == "nobord") global do_border = 0 if (substr("``p''", 1, 4) == "nohl") global do_hlines = 0 if (substr("``p''", 1, 4) == "nopl") global do_plines = 0 if (substr("``p''", 1, 3) == "seb") global noseb = 1 if (substr("``p''", 1, 3) == "cib") global nocib = 1 if ("``p''" == "ntc") global ntc = 1 if (substr("``p''", 1, 3) == "dpc") global dpcomma = "," if ("``p''" == "ssf") global ssf = 1 if (substr("``p''", 1, 4) == "land") global do_land = 1 if (substr("``p''", 1, 3) == "one") global oneway = 1 if (substr("``p''", 1, 5) == "chkwt") global chkwtnone = "`chkwtnone'" if ("``p''" == "sum") global do_sum = 1 if ("``p''" == "svy") global do_svy = 1 if ("``p''" == "sort") global do_sort = 1 if ("``p''" == "hright") global do_hright = 1 if ("``p''" == "mi") global mi = "`mi'" if ("``p''" == "nnoc") global do_nnoc = 1 } tokenize "`using'", parse(".") global fstem = "`1'" tempvar touse mark `touse' `if' `in' global mainfile = "`using'" if ("`style'"~="") { if ("`style'"=="tex") global style = "tex" else if ("`style'"=="csv") global style = "csv" else if ("`style'"=="semi") global style = "semi" else if (substr("`style'",1,3)=="htm") global style = "htm" else if ("`style'"=="xlsx") global style = "xlsx" else if ("`style'"=="xls") global style = "xls" else if ("`style'"=="docx") global style = "docx" else global style = "tab" } else global style = "tab" global doctype = cond("`doctype'" != "", "`doctype'", "article") if ("$style" == "tex") { if ("`paper'" == "letter") global paper = "letterpaper" else if ("`paper'" == "legal") global paper = "legalpaper" else global paper = "a4paper" } else if ("$style" == "docx") { global paper = cond("`paper'" != "", "`paper'", "letter") } if ( "$style" == "xls" | "$style" == "xlsx" | "$style" == "docx") { if (c(stata_version) < 13) { di di as error "The xls, xlsx and docx styles are only available" di as error "under Stata 13 or later. If you are using an earlier" di as error "version of Stata, you have several other options:" di di as error "For spreadsheet files, consider using either the" di as error "csv or tab styles and naming the file" di as error "$stem.xls for importing as a delimited text file" di as error "into your spreadsheet application. You will need to" di as error "do your own formatting inside your spreadsheet." di di as error "For word processing files, consider using the html" di as error "style and opening the file in your word processor. You" di as error "can then save it as a docx file and it will preserve" di as error "all the formatting which you applied in tabout, such as " di as error "borders, font family and font size, bolding etc." di clearglobs exit } } if ("$style" == "tex") { global spacer1 = "~=~" global spacer2 = ".~" } else { global spacer1 = " = " global spacer2 = " . " } if ($do_compile == 1 & "$style" == "tex") { if missing("$tex") { di di as error "You are using the tex style and have" di as error "also chosen to compile your LaTeX code." di as error "But you have not defined a global tex " di as error "variable indicating the path to your tex" di as error "distribution files." di di as error "Compile and open options ignored." di global do_compile = 0 global do_open = 0 } } local opt "" local opt = cond("`replace'" == "replace","replace", /// cond("`append'" == "append","append", /// "")) if ("$style" == "docx" & "`opt'" == "append") { di di as err "You cannot use the append option with " di as err "the docx output style." di di as err "Consider using html or importing a" di as err "spreadsheet based on xlsx. Both of" di as err "these options will allow you to use" di as err "append with a word processing file." di clearglobs exit } if ("$style" == "docx") { local badmatch = 0 if ("`h1'" != "" & "`h1c'" == "") local badmatch = 1 if ("`h2'" != "" & "`h2c'" == "") local badmatch = 1 if ("`h3'" != "" & "`h3c'" == "") local badmatch = 1 if (`badmatch' == 1) { di di as err "If you use h2 or h3 you must" di as err "also use h2c or h3c to match." di as err "Ignore this message if you have set" di as err "any of these to nil." di } } capture confirm file "$mainfile" if !_rc global exists = 1 else global exists = 0 if ("`opt'"=="") { if ($exists == 1) { di di as err "The file $mainfile already exists, but you haven't" di as err "used either the replace or append option. Please change" di as err "the file name or include replace or append." di clearglobs exit } } global replace = 0 if ("`opt'"=="replace") { if ("$style" == "xls" | "$style" == "xlsx" | "$style" == "docx") { global replace = "1" } else { tempname outfile capture file open `outfile' using "$mainfile", write replace capture file write `outfile' "" if _rc==111 { di di as err "File `using'" di as err "could not be written to your disk." di as err "This may be due to the directory being" di as err "read only. Try specifying a different" di as err "directory where you have write privileges". di as err "If it is your working directory, " di as err "check that you have write privileges to it." di as err "It might also be the case that this file" di as err "is already open inside another application" di as err "and the operating system has locked it." di as err "If so, try closing it before running tabout." di clearglobs exit } capture file close `outfile' } } local weightstr1 = cond("`weight'"~="","`weight'","none") local weightstr2 = cond("`weight'"~="",subinstr("`exp'"," ","",.),"none") if ("`weightstr1'"~="none") { local wtvar = substr("`weightstr2'",2,.) local wttype : type `wtvar' if ("`weightstr1'"=="fweight" & "`wttype'" ~= "byte" & "`wttype'" ~= "int" & "`wttype'" ~= "long" & "$chkwtnone"=="") { di di as err "Problem with frequency weights {search r(401)}" di clearglobs exit } } *------------------------ contents options ------------------------- local nogood = 0 local vnogood = 0 local snogood = 0 if ("`contents'" ~= "") { local a = "freq cell row col cum" local b = "se ci lb ub" local c = "N mean var sd skewness kurtosis sum uwsum min max count median iqr r9010 r9050 r7525 r1050 p1 p5 p10 p25 p50 p75 p90 p95 p99" local n : word count `contents' tokenize `contents' forval x = 1/`n' { local testwd = "``x''" if ($do_sum==0 & $do_svy==0) { if (strpos("`a'","`testwd'")==0) local nogood = 1 } if ($do_sum==1) { if (strpos("`a'","`testwd'")~=0) local nogood = 1 } } if (`nogood'==1) { di di as err "Invalid type of entry in contents option, or you may" di as err "have forgotten to turn on the sum or svy option" di show_allowtable clearglobs exit } if ($do_sum==1) { local k : word count `contents' local fword : word 1 of `contents' local sword : word 2 of `contents' local tword : word 3 of `contents' local statkind = "`fword'" local statvar = "`sword'" if ($do_svy==1) { if ("`fword'"~="mean") { di di as err "Only mean is allowed for survey analysis" di show_allowtable clearglobs exit } if (strpos("`b'","`tword'")==0){ di di as err "Only one summary statistic is allowed for survey analysis" di show_allowtable clearglobs exit } else { local svy_sumvar = "`sword'" local contents = subinstr("`contents'","`sword'","",.) local contents = subinstr("`contents'","mean","SV",.) } } else { local n : word count `contents' tokenize `contents' forval x = 1/`n' { local testwd = "``x''" if (mod(`x',2))==1 { if (strpos("`c'","`testwd'")==0) local snogood = 1 } else { capture confirm variable `testwd' if (_rc~=0) { local vnogood = 1 local err_msg = "Variable `testwd' not found {search r(111)}" } } } } if (`k'>2) { if (strpos("`c'","`tword'")~=0) global oneway = 1 } } } else local contents = "freq" if (`snogood'==1) { di di as err "Invalid type of entry in contents option, or you may" di as err "have forgotten to turn on the sum or svy option" di show_allowtable clearglobs exit } if (`vnogood'==1) { di di as err "`err_msg'" di clearglobs exit } *------------------------ survey options ------------------------- local svyporp = cond("`multiplier'"~="", real("`multiplier'"), 1) local svylevel = cond("`level'"~="",real("`level'"), 95) *------------------------ cell labelling options ------------------------- if ("`clab'"~="") global clab = "`clab'" else { if ($do_sum==1) { if ($do_svy==0) global clab = "" else { global clab = "Mean" local c : word count `contents' tokenize `contents' forval x = 2/`c' { global clab = "$clab " + upper("``x''") } } } else { global clab = "" local c : word count `contents' tokenize `contents' forval x = 1/`c' { if ($do_svy==0) { if ("``x''"=="freq") local hstr = "No." else local hstr = "%" } else { if (`svyporp'==1) local suf="Prop." else { if (`svyporp'==100) local suf = "%" else local suf = "Per_`svyporp'" } if ("``x''"=="freq") local hstr = "No." else if ("``x''"=="se") local hstr = "SE" else if ("``x''"=="ci") local hstr = "CI" else if ("``x''"=="lb") local hstr = "LB" else if ("``x''"=="ub") local hstr = "UB" else local hstr = "`suf'" } global clab = "$clab `hstr'" } } } local categ = cond("`contents'"~="","`contents'","FR") global numcat : word count `categ' tokenize "`categ'" global category "" forval i = 1/$numcat { local letter = upper(substr("``i''",1,2)) global category "$category `letter' " } local nogood = 0 if $do_svy==1 { tokenize "$category" forval x = 1/$numcat { local cat= "``x''" if (`x'==1) { if "`cat'"=="FR" local svycat = "count" else if "`cat'"=="CE" local svycat = "cell" else if "`cat'"=="CO" local svycat = "col" else if "`cat'"=="RO" local svycat = "row" else local svycat = "cell" } else { if ("`cat'"=="FR" | "`cat'"=="CE" | "`cat'"=="CO" | /// "`cat'"=="RO") { local nogood = 1 } } } } if (`nogood'==1) { di di as err "Only one category (freq cell col or row) can be used with svy option." di show_allowtable clearglobs exit } global cisep = cond("`cisep'"~="","`cisep'",",") local formbad = 0 local format = cond("`format'"~="","`format'","1c") tokenize "a b d e f g h i j k l n o q r s t u v w x y z" forval x = 1/23 { if (strpos(lower("`format'"),"``x''")~=0) local formbad = 1 } if (`formbad'==1) { di di as err "Error in format. Only the letters c, m and p are allowed." di clearglobs exit } global layout = cond("`layout'"~="","`layout'","col") if ("`layout'"~=""){ if ("`layout'"=="cb" | "`layout'"=="cblock") /// global layout = "c_block" else if ("`layout'"=="rb" | "`layout'"=="rblock") /// global layout = "r_block" else if ("`layout'"=="col") global layout = "col" else if ("`layout'"=="row") global layout = "row" else global layout = "col" } else global layout = "col" *------------------------ output options ------------------------- global h1 = cond("`h1'"~="","`h1'","") global h2 = cond("`h2'"~="","`h2'","") global h3 = cond("`h3'"~="","`h3'","") global h1c = cond("`h1c'"~="","`h1c'","") global h2c = cond("`h2c'"~="","`h2c'","") global h3c = cond("`h3c'"~="","`h3c'","") global ltrim = cond("`ltrim'"~="","`ltrim'","1") if ("`ptotal'"=="none"){ global showtot = 0 global finaltot = 0 } else if ("`ptotal'"=="single"){ global showtot = 0 global finaltot = 1 } else { global showtot = 1 global finaltot = 0 } if ("`total'")~="" { if ("`total'"=="d"){ global vtotal = "Total" global htotal = "Total" } else { tokenize "`total'" if ("`1'"=="d") global vtotal = "Total" else global vtotal = subinstr("`1'","_"," ",.) if ("`2'"=="d") global htotal = "Total" else global htotal = subinstr("`2'","_"," ",.) } } else { global vtotal = "Total" global htotal = "Total" } if "`font'" ~= "" { if "`font'" == "bold" global tfont "bold" else if "`font'" == "italic" global tfont "italic" else global tfont "plain" } else global tfont "plain" if ("$style"=="htm") { global units = cond("`units'" != "", "`units'", "px") } else if ("$style"=="tex") { global units = cond("`units'" != "", "`units'", "cm") } else { global units = cond("`units'" != "", "`units'", "%") } if ("`rotate'"~="") { global angle = "`rotate'" } else global angle = "0" global texdef = "14" global dropc = cond("`dropc'" ~= "","`dropc'","") global dropr = cond("`dropr'" ~= "","`dropr'","") global plugc = cond("`plugc'" ~= "","`plugc'","") global plugr = cond("`plugr'" ~= "","`plugr'","") global pluglab = cond("`pluglab'" ~= "","`pluglab'","") global plugsymbol = cond("`plugsymbol'" ~= "","`plugsymbol'"," ") if ("`css'" != "") { capture findfile "`css'" if _rc { di di as error "The html style file `css' was not found " di as error "It should be in the working directory or the tabout directory" dir exit 601 } else { global css = "`css'" } } global twidth = cond("`twidth'" ~= "","`twidth'","") global lwidth = cond("`lwidth'" ~= "","`lwidth'","") global cwidth = cond("`cwidth'" ~= "","`cwidth'","") global fontsize = cond("`fsize'" ~= "","`fsize'","") global family = "" global rmfamily = "" global ssfamily = "" if ("`family'" != "") { tokenize "`family'", parse("$delim") global family = "`1'" global rmfamily = "`1'" if ("`3'" != "") global ssfamily = "`3'" else global ssfamily = "`1'" } if ("$family" != "" & "`style'" == "tex") global texapp = "$tex/xelatex" else global texapp = "$tex/pdflatex" global indent = cond("`indent'" != "", "`indent'", "2") global sheetname = cond("`sheet'" != "", "`sheet'", "Sheet1") global rowpos = "1" global colpos = "1" if ("`location'" != "") { tokenize "`location'" global rowpos = "`1'" if ("`2'" == "") { di di as error "Location option requires two numbers," di as error "row and column (in that order)," di as error "separated by a space." di clearglobs exit } else global colpos = "`2'" } global title = cond("`title'" ~= "","`title'","") global fn = cond("`fn'" ~= "","`fn'","") global caplab = cond("`caplab'" != "","`caplab'","") global cappos = cond("`cappos'" != "","`cappos'","above") global do_caption = cond("$caplab" ! = "", 1, 0) global money = cond("`money'"~="","`money'","$") global prefile = cond("`topf'" ~= "", "`topf'" , "") global postfile = cond("`botf'" ~= "", "`botf'", "") global topinsert = cond("`topstr'" ~= "", "`topstr'", "nil") global botinsert = cond("`botstr'" ~= "", "`botstr'", "nil") global ps = cond("`psymbol'" ~= "", "`psymbol'", "#") global do_customtop = cond("$prefile" ~= "", 1, 0) global do_custombot = cond("$postfile" ~= "", 1, 0) if ($do_customtop==1) { tempname infile capture file open `infile' using "$prefile", read if _rc~=0 { di di as err "File $prefile not found." di as err "Check and retype file specification." di clearglobs capture file close `infile' exit } capture file close `infile' } if ("$botinsert"~="" & "$ps"=="") { di di as err "You must specify the psymbol as well as the filename" di clearglobs exit } if ($do_custombot==1) { tempname infile capture file open `infile' using "$postfile", read if _rc~=0 { di di as err "File $postfile not found." di as err "Check and retype file specification." di clearglobs capture file close `infile' exit } capture file close `infile' } *------------------------ display options ------------------------- global colwide = cond("`wide'"~="", "`wide'","10") global show = cond("`show'"~="","`show'","output") *------------------------ n options ------------------------- global do_n = 0 global n_pos = "col" global n_wt = "" global n_offset = "0" if "`noffset'"!="" { local noffs = real("`noffset'")-1 global n_offset = string(`noffs') } if "`npos'"~="" { if ("`npos'")=="d" global n_pos = "col" else global n_pos = "`npos'" global do_n 1 } if "`nlab'"~="" { if ("`nlab'"=="d") { if ("`npos'"=="lab") global n_lab = "(n=#)" else global n_lab = "N" } else global n_lab = "`nlab'" global do_n 1 } else { if ("`npos'"=="lab") global n_lab = "(n=#)" else global n_lab = "N" } if "`nwt'"~="" { if ("`nwt'")=="d" global n_wt = "" else global n_wt = "[iw=`nwt']" global do_n 1 } *------------------------ stats options ------------------------- if ("`stats'"~="") { global stats = "`stats'" global do_stats = 1 global stpos = cond("`stpos'" ~= "", "`stpos'", "row") global stlab = cond("`stlab'" ~= "", "`stlab'", "") global stform = cond("`stform'" ~= "", "%9" + /// "$dpcomma" + "`stform'f", "%9" + "$dpcomma" + "3f") global ppos = cond("`ppos'" ~= "", "`ppos'", "below") global plab = cond("`plab'" ~= "", "`plab'", "") global pform = cond("`pform'" ~= "", "%9" + /// "$dpcomma" + "`pform'f", "%9" + "$dpcomma" + "3f") } else { global stats = "" global do_stats = 0 global stlab = "" global stpos = "" global stform = "" global ppos = "" global plab = "" global pform = "" } if ($do_svy==0 & "$stats"~="" & /// ("`weightstr1'"=="aweight" | "`weightstr1'"=="iweight")) { di di as err "Only fweights are allowed with the stats option" di clearglobs exit } if ($do_stars==1 & ("$stats"=="V" | "$stats"=="taub" | "$stats"=="gamma")) { di di as err "The stars option is only available for chi2 and lrchi2" di clearglobs exit } *===================== main routine ============================= if ($do_svy==1) { local fvar : word 1 of `varlist' capture qui svy: total `fvar' if (_rc==119) { di di as err "Your data needs to be {help svyset} for this table" di clearglobs exit } $dotss } local nvars : word count `varlist' if `nvars'==1 global oneway 1 if ($oneway==0 & $do_sort==1) { di di as err "The sort option is only allowed for oneway tables" di clearglobs exit } local hvar : word `nvars' of `varlist' local hvarname : variable label `hvar' if ("`hvarname'"=="") label var `hvar' "`hvar'" qui levelsof `hvar', local(levels) global nlevels: word count `levels' tokenize `varlist' local n = `nvars'-1 forval i = 1/`n' { local vvar "`vvar' ``i''" } global fpass = 1 global lpass = 0 local colmat = "matcol(colvals)" local rowmat = "matrow(rowvals)" if $oneway==1 { local vvar "`vvar' `hvar'" local hvar = "" local colmat = "nil" global do_stats = 0 global stats = "" } global droph = "" if ("`hvar'"~="") local htype : type `hvar' if (substr("`htype'",1,3)=="str") { capture encode `hvar', gen(_`hvar'_x) local hvar = "_`hvar'_x" global droph = "`hvar'" } if ("$style"=="tex") texfix if ($finaltot==1) { tempvar paneltot gen `paneltot' = 1 la var `paneltot' "!PTOTAL!" la def paneltot 1 "$vtotal", modify la val `paneltot' paneltot local vvar "`vvar' `paneltot'" } global single = 0 local nvvars : word count `vvar' if (`nvvars' == 1) global single = 1 local lastvar : word `nvvars' of `vvar' mat check = J(1,1,0) global dropv = "" /* core loop starts here */ global panelnum = 1 scalar plugcounter = 1 foreach v of local vvar { if ("`v'"=="`lastvar'") global lpass = 1 local vvarname : variable label `v' if ("`vvarname'"=="") label var `v' "`v'" local vtype : type `v' if (substr("`vtype'",1,3)=="str") { capture encode `v', gen(_`v'_x) local v = "_`v'_x" global dropv = "$dropv `v'" } if $do_svy==0 { if $oneway==1 local hvar = "_xx_ph_xx_" if ($do_sum==0) { do_mat `v' `hvar' `weightstr1' `weightstr2' `colmat' `touse' do_write `v' `hvar' "`format'" } else { if ($oneway==0) sum_twoway `v' `hvar' /// `weightstr1' `weightstr2' /// `colmat' `statkind' `statvar' `touse' else sum_oneway "`contents'" `v' /// `weightstr1' `weightstr2' `touse' sum_write `v' `hvar' "`format'" "`contents'" } } else if $do_svy==1 { if $oneway==1 local hvar = "_xx_ph_xx_" if ($do_sum==0) /// svy_mat `v' `hvar' `svycat' `svylevel' `svyporp' `touse' else svy_sum `svy_sumvar' `v' `hvar' `svylevel' `colmat' `touse' do_write `v' `hvar' "`format'" } global fpass = 0 global panelnum = $panelnum + 1 } di di as text "Table output written to: `using'" di if ("$style" == "xls" | "$style" == "xlsx" | "$style" == "docx") /// global show = "none" if ("$show"=="all" | "$show"=="output") { type "`using'" } local pdf_file = "$fstem.pdf" * if ("`os_type'"=="Windows") local shell_cmd = "winexec " * else local shell_cmd = "shell open " if ($do_compile==1) { if ("$style" == "tex") { if ("$show" =="comp") shell $texapp "`using'" else qui shell $texapp "`using'" di di as text "Table output file compiled to: `pdf_file'" di } } if ($do_open==1) { if ("$style" == "tex") shell open "`pdf_file'" else shell open "`using'" } local j = colsof(check) local warning = 0 forval x = 3/`j' { local k = `x'-1 if (check[1,`x']~=check[1,`k']) local warning = 1 } if (`warning'==1) { di di as err "Warning: not all panels have the same number of columns." di as err "Include show(all) in your syntax to view panels." di as err "Consider using the missing option for twoway tables, or" di as err "the plug option for summary tables or twoway tables." di } if ("$droph"~="") drop $droph if ("$dropv"~="") { local ndrops : word count $dropv tokenize $dropv forval x = 1/`ndrops' { capture drop ``x'' } } clearglobs end *======================== sub routines ======================== *------------------------ error message display table ---------------------- program show_allowtable di as input "{c TLC}{hline 22}{c TT}{hline 38}{c TT}{hline 22}{c TRC}" di as input "{c |} {it:Type of table} {c |} {it:Allowable cell contents} {c |} {it:Available layout} {c |}" di as input "{c |} {it:} {c |} {it:contents( )} {c |} {it:layout( )} {c |}" di as input "{c LT}{hline 22}{c +}{hline 38}{c +}{hline 22}{c RT}" di as input "{c |} {bf:basic} {c |} freq cell row col cum {c |} col row cb rb {c |}" di as input "{c |} {bf:} {c |} {bf:any number of above, in any order} {c |} {c |}" di as input "{c |} {bf:} {c |} {it:for example: contents(freq col)} {c |} {c |}" di as input "{c LT}{hline 22}{c +}{hline 38}{c +}{hline 22}{c RT}" di as input "{c |} {bf:basic with SE or CI} {c |} freq cell row col se ci lb ub {c |} col row cb rb {c |}" di as input "{c |} {bf:} {c |} {bf:only one of:} freq cell row col {c |} {c |}" di as input "{c |} {bf:}(turn on {it:svy} option) {c |} {it:(must come first in the cell)} {c |} {c |}" di as input "{c |} {bf:} {c |} {bf:and any number of:} se ci lb ub {c |} {c |}" di as input "{c |} {bf:} {c |} {it:for example: contents(col se lb ub)} {c |} {c |}" di as input "{c LT}{hline 22}{c +}{hline 38}{c +}{hline 22}{c RT}" di as input "{c |} {bf:summary} {c |} {bf:any number of:} N mean var sd skewness{c |} no options (fixed) {c |}" di as input "{c |} {bf:}-as a oneway table {c |} kurtosis sum uwsum min max count {c |} {c |}" di as input "{c |} {bf:} {c |} median iqr r9010 r9050 r7525 r1050 {c |} {c |}" di as input "{c |} {bf:}(turn on {it:sum} option; {c |} p1 p5 p10 p25 p50 p75 p90 p95 p99 {c |} {c |}" di as input "{c |} {bf:}also may need to turn{c |} {bf:with each followed by variable name} {c |} {c |}" di as input "{c |} {bf:}on {it:oneway} option) {c |} {it:for example: contents(min wage mean age)}{c |} {c |}" di as input "{c LT}{hline 22}{c +}{hline 38}{c +}{hline 22}{c RT}" di as input "{c |} {bf:summary} {c |} {bf:only one of:} N mean var sd skewness {c |} no options (fixed) {c |}" di as input "{c |} {bf:}-as a twoway table {c |} kurtosis sum uwsum min max count {c |} {c |}" di as input "{c |} {bf:} {c |} median iqr r9010 r9050 r7525 r1050 {c |} {c |}" di as input "{c |} {bf:}(turn on {it:sum} option) {c |} p1 p5 p10 p25 p50 p75 p90 p95 p99 {c |} {c |}" di as input "{c |} {bf:} {c |} {bf:followed by one variable name} {c |} {c |}" di as input "{c |} {bf:} {c |} {it:for example: contents(sum income)} {c |} {c |}" di as input "{c LT}{hline 22}{c +}{hline 38}{c +}{hline 22}{c RT}" di as input "{c |} {bf:summary with SE or CI}{c |} mean {bf:followed by one variable name} {c |} col row cb rb {c |}" di as input "{c |} {bf:}(turn on {it:sum} option {c |} {bf:and any number of:} se ci lb ub {c |} {c |}" di as input "{c |} {bf:} and {it:svy} option) {c |} {it:for example: contents(mean weight se ci)}{c |} {c |}" di as input "{c BLC}{hline 22}{c BT}{hline 38}{c BT}{hline 22}{c BRC}" end *------------- routines to construct basic matrices ------------------------- *------------------------ basic tables ------------------------- program do_mat args v hvar weightstr1 weightstr2 colmat touse if ("`colmat'"=="nil") local colmat = "" local wtstr = cond("`weightstr1'"=="none","","[`weightstr1'`weightstr2']") if $oneway==1 local hvar = "" if $do_sort==1 local dosort = "sort" $debug ta `v' `hvar' `wtstr' if `touse', matcell(raw) /// matrow(rowvals) `colmat' $stats $mi `dosort' local nobs = r(N) if (`nobs' == .) { di di as err "Some of your variables consist entirely of missing values" di clearglobs exit } if $do_stats==1 { local df = (r(r)-1)*(r(c)-1) if ("$stats"=="chi2") { global sval = string(r(chi2),"$stform") global pval = string(r(p),"$pform") if ("$stpos"=="row") local default = "Pearson chi2(`df')" else local default = "Chi2(`df')" if ("$stlab" =="") global slab = "`default'" else global slab = "$stlab" if ("$plab" =="") { if $do_stars == 0 global plab = "P-value" else global plab = "Significance" } } else if ("$stats")=="gamma" { global sval = string(r(gamma),"$stform") global pval = string(r(ase_gam),"$pform") if ("$stlab" =="") global slab = "Gamma" else global slab = "$stlab" if ("$plab" =="") global plab = "ASE" } else if ("$stats"=="V") { global sval = string(r(CramersV),"$stform") global pval = "" if ("$stlab" =="") global slab = "Cramer's V" else global slab = "$stlab" if ("$plab" =="") global plab = "" } else if ("$stats"=="taub") { global sval = string(r(taub),"$stform") global pval = string(r(ase_taub),"$pform") if ("$stpos"=="row") local default = "Kendall's tau-b" else local default = "Tau-b" if ("$stlab" =="") global slab = "`default'" else global slab = "$stlab" if ("$plab" =="") global plab = "ASE" } if ("$stats"=="lrchi2") { global sval = string(r(chi2_lr),"$stform") global pval = string(r(p_lr),"$pform") if ("$stpos"=="row") local default = "Likelihood-ratio chi2(`df')" else local default = "LR chi2(`df')" if ("$stlab" =="") global slab = "`default'" else global slab = "$stlab" if ("$plab" =="") { if $do_stars == 0 global plab = "P-value" else global plab = "Significance" } } } if $do_n==1 { $debug ta `v' `hvar' $n_wt if `touse', matcell(obs) mata: build_nmats("obs") } mata: build_mats($oneway) end *------------------------ basic tables with svy option --------------------- program svy_mat args v hvar svycat svylevel svyporp touse $dots if ("$stats"=="chi2") global stats = "pearson" if "`svycat'"=="count" local extra = "count" else local extra = "" if "`svycat'"=="cell" local svycat = "" if $oneway==1 local hvar = "" $dots $debug svy, subpop(`touse'): tab `v' `hvar', `svycat' se ci local studt = invttail(e(N_psu)-e(N_strata),(1-`svylevel'/100)/2) local row = e(r) local col = e(c) mat obs = e(ObsSub) mat rowvals = e(Row) mat rowvals = rowvals' mat colvals = e(Col) mat svymain = e(V) mat raw = e(b) $dots local format92f = "%9"+"$dpcomma"+"2f" if $do_stats==1 { if ("$stats"=="pearson") { local df = (e(r)-1)*(e(c)-1) global sval = string(e(cun_Pear),"$stform") global pval = string(e(p_Pear),"$pform") global Fval = string(e(F_Pear),"$stform") local F1df = string(e(df1_Pear),"`format92f'") local F2df = string(e(df2_Pear),"`format92f'") if ("$stpos"=="row") { local default = "Pearson: Uncorrected chi2(`df')" local Fdefault = "Design-based F(`F1df', `F2df')" if ("$stlab" =="") { global slab = "`default'" global Fslab = "`Fdefault'" } else { tokenize "$stlab", parse("$delim") global slab = "`1'" global Fslab = "`3'" } } else { local default = "Chi2(`df') / F(`F1df', `F2df')" if ("$stlab" =="") global slab = "`default'" else global slab = "$stlab" } if ("$plab" =="") { if $do_stars == 0 global plab = "P-value" else global plab = "Significance" } } } if $oneway==1 { $dots mata: svy_oneway(`svyporp') mata: svy_se_oneway(`svyporp',`row') } else { $dots $debug svy, subpop(`touse'): tab `hvar' if `v'<., `extra' se mat svyrow = e(V) mat rawrt = e(b) $dots $debug svy, subpop(`touse'): tab `v' if `hvar'<., `extra' se mat svycol = e(V) mat rawct = e(b) if "`svycat'"=="" | "`svycat'"=="count" /// mata: svy_cell(`svyporp',`col') else mata: svy_rowcol(`svyporp',`row',`col') mata: svy_se(`svyporp',`row',`col') } $dots if $do_pop==1 { $debug ta `v' `hvar' $n_wt if `touse', matcell(obs) mata: build_nmats("obs") } else { mata: build_nmats("obs") } mata: cis(`svyporp',`studt',`"`extra'"') $dots end *------------------------ summary tables with svy option ------------------- program svy_sum args svy_sumvar v hvar svylevel colmat touse $dots if ("`colmat'"=="nil") local colmat = "" if $oneway==1 { local hvar = "" local over = ", over(`v')" } else local over = ", over(`v' `hvar')" $dots $debug svy, subpop(`touse'): mean `svy_sumvar' `over' local studt = invttail(e(N_psu)-e(N_strata),(1-`svylevel'/100)/2) mat svymain = e(V) mat raw = e(b) $dots if ($oneway==0) { $dots $debug svy, subpop(`touse'): mean `svy_sumvar' if `v'<., over(`hvar') mat svyrow = e(V) mat rawrt = e(b) $dots $debug svy, subpop(`touse'): mean `svy_sumvar' if `hvar' <., over(`v') mat svycol = e(V) mat rawct = e(b) $dots $debug svy, subpop(`touse'): mean `svy_sumvar' if `v'<. & `hvar' <., mat gmean = e(b) mat svygmean = e(V) $dots } else { $dots $debug svy, subpop(`touse'): mean `svy_sumvar' if `v'<., mat gmean = e(b) mat svygmean = e(V) $dots } $debug ta `v' `hvar' $n_wt if `touse', matcell(obs) /// matrow(rowvals) `colmat' local row = r(r) local col = r(c) $dots mata: svy_mean(`row',`col',$oneway) $dots mata: svy_meanse(`row',`col',$oneway) $dots mata: meancis(`studt') $dots mata: build_nmats("obs") $dots end *------------------------ summary tables as twoway (not svy) ---------------- program sum_twoway args v hvar weightstr1 weightstr2 colmat statkind statvar touse $debug ta `v' `hvar' $n_wt if `touse', matcell(obs) /// matrow(rowvals) `colmat' local r = rowsof(obs) local c = colsof(obs) mat mstat = J(`r',`c',0) mat rhs = J(`r',1,0) mat bot = J(1,`c',0) mat gm = J(1,1,0) local mtype = "mstat" forval x = 1/`r' { forval y = 1/`c' { local hvalnum = colvals[1,`y'] local vvalnum = rowvals[`x',1] do_statres `statkind' `statvar' /// `v' `hvar' `vvalnum' `hvalnum' /// `weightstr1' `weightstr2' `mtype' `touse' mat mstat[`x',`y'] = real(r(statres)) } } local mtype = "rhs" forval x = 1/`r' { local vvalnum = rowvals[`x',1] local hvalnum = 0 do_statres `statkind' `statvar' /// `v' `hvar' `vvalnum' `hvalnum' /// `weightstr1' `weightstr2' `mtype' `touse' mat rhs[`x',1] = real(r(statres)) } local mtype = "bot" forval y = 1/`c' { local hvalnum = colvals[1,`y'] local vvalnum = 0 do_statres `statkind' `statvar' /// `v' `hvar' `vvalnum' `hvalnum' /// `weightstr1' `weightstr2' `mtype' `touse' mat bot[1,`y'] = real(r(statres)) } local mtype = "gm" local vvalnum = 0 local hvalnum = 0 do_statres `statkind' `statvar' /// `v' `hvar' `vvalnum' `hvalnum' /// `weightstr1' `weightstr2' `mtype' `touse' mat gm[1,1] = real(r(statres)) mat mstat = mstat , rhs mat bot = bot, gm mat raw = mstat \ bot mata: build_nmats("obs") end *--------- summary tables oneway ie. multiple stats (not svy) ----------- program sum_oneway args contents v weightstr1 weightstr2 touse $debug ta `v' $n_wt if `touse', matcell(obs) /// matrow(rowvals) local r = rowsof(obs) local hvar = "_xx_ph_xx_" local c : word count `contents' local s = `c'/2 tokenize `contents' forval j = 1/`s' { local statkind = "`1'" local statvar = "`2'" mat m`j' = J(`r',1,0) mat t`j' = J(1,1,0) local mtype = "onew" forval x = 1/`r' { local vvalnum = rowvals[`x',1] local hvalnum = 0 do_statres `statkind' `statvar' /// `v' `hvar' `vvalnum' `hvalnum' /// `weightstr1' `weightstr2' `mtype' `touse' mat m`j'[`x',1] = real(r(statres)) } local mtype = "onet" local vvalnum = 0 local hvalnum = 0 do_statres `statkind' `statvar' /// `v' `hvar' `vvalnum' `hvalnum' /// `weightstr1' `weightstr2' `mtype' `touse' mat t`j'[1,1] = real(r(statres)) mat full`j' = m`j' \ t`j' if (`j'==1) mat raw = full`j' else mat raw = raw, full`j' mac shift 2 } mata: build_nmats("obs") end program do_statres , rclass args statkind statvar v hvar /// vvalnum hvalnum weightstr1 weightstr2 mtype touse local wtstr = cond("`weightstr1'"=="none","","[`weightstr1'`weightstr2']") if ("`statkind'"=="uwsum") { local wtstr = "" local statkind = "sum" } if "`statkind'" == "median" local statkind "p50" if "`statkind'" == "count" local statkind "N" if ("`mtype'"=="mstat") /// qui sum `statvar' `wtstr' if `touse' /// & `v' == `vvalnum' & `hvar' == `hvalnum', detail else if ("`mtype'"=="rhs") /// qui sum `statvar' `wtstr' if `touse' /// & `v' == `vvalnum' & !mi(`hvar'), detail else if ("`mtype'"=="bot") /// qui sum `statvar' `wtstr' if `touse' /// & !mi(`v') & `hvar' == `hvalnum', detail else if ("`mtype'"=="gm") /// qui sum `statvar' `wtstr' if `touse' /// & !mi(`v') & !mi(`hvar'), detail else if ("`mtype'"=="onew") /// qui sum `statvar' `wtstr' if `touse' /// & `v' == `vvalnum' , detail else if ("`mtype'"=="onet") /// qui sum `statvar' `wtstr' if `touse' /// & !mi(`v') , detail if "`statkind'" == "iqr" local statres = r(p75)-r(p25) else if "`statkind'" == "r9010" local statres = r(p90)/r(p10) else if "`statkind'" == "r9050" local statres = r(p90)/r(p50) else if "`statkind'" == "r7525" local statres = r(p75)/r(p25) else if "`statkind'" == "r1050" local statres = r(p10)/r(p50) else local statres = r(`statkind') return local statres "`statres'" end *--------------- prepare for sending to mata output routines -------------- program do_write args v hvar format if $oneway==1 local hvar = "" if $oneway==0 { local colname : value label `hvar' global hvarname : variable label `hvar' } local rowname : value label `v' global vvarname : variable label `v' local clab = "$clab" local layout = "$layout" mata: do_output($oneway,$numcat,$do_n,$do_svy) end program sum_write args v hvar format contents if $oneway==1 local hvar = "" if $oneway==0 { local colname : value label `hvar' global hvarname : variable label `hvar' } local rowname : value label `v' global vvarname : variable label `v' local clab = "$clab" mata: sum_output($oneway,$do_n) end program texfix local bad = "$ & _ % ^" tokenize `bad' local tot = "$vtotal" forval x = 1/5 { if (strpos("$vtotal","``x''")~=0) /// local tot = subinstr("$vtotal","``x''","\\``x''",.) } global vtotal= "`tot'" end *------------------------ clearglobs ------------------------- program clearglobs capture mac drop angle capture mac drop botinsert capture mac drop caplab capture mac drop cappos capture mac drop category capture mac drop chkwtnone capture mac drop cisep capture mac drop clab capture mac drop colpos capture mac drop colwide capture mac drop css capture mac drop cwidth capture mac drop debug capture mac drop delim capture mac drop do_body capture mac drop do_border capture mac drop do_botbody capture mac drop do_caption capture mac drop do_compile capture mac drop do_custombot capture mac drop do_customtop capture mac drop do_hlines capture mac drop do_hright capture mac drop do_land capture mac drop do_n capture mac drop do_nnoc capture mac drop do_plines capture mac drop do_pop capture mac drop do_open capture mac drop do_pseudo capture mac drop do_sort capture mac drop do_stars capture mac drop do_stats capture mac drop do_sum capture mac drop do_svy capture mac drop do_tleft capture mac drop do_top capture mac drop do_topbody capture mac drop doctype capture mac drop dots capture mac drop dotss capture mac drop dpcomma capture mac drop dropc capture mac drop droph capture mac drop dropr capture mac drop dropv capture mac drop exists capture mac drop family capture mac drop finaltot capture mac drop fn capture mac drop fontsize capture mac drop fpass capture mac drop Fslab capture mac drop fstem capture mac drop Fval capture mac drop h1 capture mac drop h2 capture mac drop h3 capture mac drop h1c capture mac drop h2c capture mac drop h3c capture mac drop hright capture mac drop htotal capture mac drop hvarname capture mac drop layout capture mac drop lpass capture mac drop ltrim capture mac drop lwidth capture mac drop mainfile capture mac drop mi capture mac drop money capture mac drop n_lab capture mac drop n_offset capture mac drop n_pos capture mac drop n_wt capture mac drop nlevels capture mac drop nocib capture mac drop noseb capture mac drop ntc capture mac drop numcat capture mac drop oneway capture mac drop panelnum capture mac drop paper capture mac drop pform capture mac drop plab capture mac drop plugc capture mac drop plugcounter capture mac drop pluglab capture mac drop plugr capture mac drop plugsymbol capture mac drop postfile capture mac drop ppos capture mac drop prefile capture mac drop ps capture mac drop pval capture mac drop replace capture mac drop rmfamily capture mac drop rowpos capture mac drop sheetname capture mac drop show capture mac drop showtot capture mac drop single capture mac drop slab capture mac drop spacer1 capture mac drop spacer2 capture mac drop ssf capture mac drop ssfamily capture mac drop stats capture mac drop stform capture mac drop stpos capture mac drop style capture mac drop sval capture mac drop texapp capture mac drop texdef capture mac drop texreps capture mac drop title capture mac drop tfont capture mac drop topinsert capture mac drop twidth capture mac drop units capture mac drop vtotal capture mac drop vvarname capture mat drop CE capture mat drop CO capture mat drop CU capture mat drop FR capture mat drop gm capture mat drop LB capture mat drop m1 capture mat drop m2 capture mat drop m3 capture mat drop m4 capture mat drop m5 capture mat drop RO capture mat drop SE capture mat drop SV capture mat drop t1 capture mat drop t2 capture mat drop t3 capture mat drop t4 capture mat drop t5 capture mat drop UB capture mat drop bot capture mat drop OBS capture mat drop obs capture mat drop raw capture mat drop rhs capture mat drop COBS capture mat drop ROBS capture mat drop check capture mat drop full1 capture mat drop full2 capture mat drop full3 capture mat drop full4 capture mat drop full5 capture mat drop gmean capture mat drop mstat capture mat drop PCOBS capture mat drop rawct capture mat drop rawrt capture mat drop svycol capture mat drop svyrow capture mat drop colvals capture mat drop rowvals capture mat drop svygmean capture mat drop svymain end *======================== mata sub routines ======================== version 9.2 mata: struct stystruct { string scalar /// fullline, h1line, h2line, h3line, /// startline, endline, fullwidth, /// prefirst, pre, post, rbeg, rend, /// h1beg, h1mid, h1midend, h1end, /// h2beg, h2mid, h2midend, h2end, /// h3beg, h3mid, h3midend, h3end, /// statsbeg, statsmid, statsend } struct fontstruct { string scalar /// fontsize, family, rmfamily, ssfamily, font } struct prepoststruct { string scalar /// prefile, topinsert, /// postfile, botinsert, ps, delim } /* ------------------- data building for basic tables ------------ */ void build_mats (real scalar oneway) { RM = st_matrix("raw") FR = counts(RM) if (oneway==1) FR = exvector(FR) CE = J(rows(FR),cols(FR),0) RO = J(rows(FR),cols(FR),0) CO = J(rows(FR),cols(FR),0) CU = J(rows(FR),cols(FR),.) for (i=1; i<=rows(FR); i++) { h = i-1 for (j=1; j<=cols(FR); j++) { CE[i,j] = FR[i,j] / FR[rows(FR),cols(FR)] * 100 RO[i,j] = FR[i,j] / FR[i,cols(FR)] * 100 CO[i,j] = FR[i,j] / FR[rows(FR),j] * 100 if (i==1) CU[i,j] = CO[i,j] else if (i 0) { plugcpanel = substr(plugcs[i], 1, breaker - 1) plugcols = strtoreal(substr(plugcs[i], breaker + 1, .)) if (currentpanel==plugcpanel) { NEWDATA = DATA[,1] for (j=2; j<=cols(DATA); j++) { if (anyof(plugcols, j) > 0) { NEWDATA = NEWDATA , BLANKCOL } NEWDATA = NEWDATA , DATA[, j] } DATA = NEWDATA } } } return(DATA) } function plug_rows( /// string matrix DATA, /// string scalar currentpanel, /// real matrix ROWS, /// real matrix COLS, /// string scalar plugr) { pluglab = st_global("pluglab") plugsymbol = st_global("plugsymbol") if (plugsymbol=="BLANK") plugsymbol = " " if (st_global("show") == "prepost") DATA plugrs = tokens(plugr, ",") k = length(plugrs) BLANKROW = J(1, length(COLS), plugsymbol) for (i=1; i<=k; i++) { splitter = strpos(plugrs[i], ":") if (splitter > 0) { plugrpanel = substr(plugrs[i], 1, splitter - 1) plugrows = strtoreal(substr(plugrs[i], splitter + 1, .)) if (currentpanel==plugrpanel) { NEWDATA = DATA[1,] for (j=2; j<=length(ROWS); j++) { if (anyof(plugrows, j) > 0) { NEWDATA = NEWDATA \ BLANKROW if (pluglab !="") { counter = st_numscalar("plugcounter") labels = tokens(pluglab) labels = subinstr(labels,"_"," ") if (counter <= length(labels)) NEWDATA[j, 1] = labels[counter] counter = counter + 1 st_numscalar("plugcounter", counter) } } NEWDATA = NEWDATA \ DATA[j, ] } DATA = NEWDATA } } } return(DATA) } function drop_cols( /// string matrix DATA, /// string scalar currentpanel, /// real matrix ROWS, /// real matrix COLS, /// string scalar dropc) { dropcols = strtoreal(tokens(dropc, " ")) newcols = 1 for (j=2; j<=length(COLS); j++) { if (anyof(dropcols, j) == 0) newcols = newcols , j } COLS = newcols DATA = DATA[ROWS, COLS] return(DATA) } function drop_rows( /// string matrix DATA, /// string scalar currentpanel, /// real matrix ROWS, /// real matrix COLS, /// string scalar dropr) { rowlist = tokens(dropr, " ") k = length(rowlist) for (i=1; i<=k; i++) { breaker = strpos(rowlist[i], ":") if (breaker > 0) { drpanel = substr(rowlist[i], 1, breaker - 1) droprows = strtoreal(substr(rowlist[i], breaker + 1, .)) if (currentpanel==drpanel) { newrows = 1 for (j=2; j<=length(ROWS); j++) { if (anyof(droprows, j) == 0) /// newrows = newrows , j } ROWS = newrows } } } DATA = DATA[ROWS, COLS] return(DATA) } function stats_matrix( /// string matrix DATA, /// string scalar stats_pos) { do_stars = strtoreal(st_global("do_stars")) do_svy = strtoreal(st_global("do_svy")) ppos = st_global("ppos") slab = st_global("slab") plab = st_global("plab") sval = st_global("sval") pval = st_global("pval") /*if using svy chi2*/ Fslab = st_global("Fslab") Fval = st_global("Fval") spacer1 = st_global("spacer1") spacer2 = st_global("spacer2") if (do_stars==1) { rval = strtoreal(pval) if (rval <= 0.001) pval = "***" else if (rval > 0.001 & rval <= 0.01) pval = "**" else if (rval > 0.001 & rval <= 0.01) pval = "**" else if (rval > 0.01 & rval <= 0.05) pval = "*" else pval = "." } if (stats_pos == "col") { if (ppos=="beside") { statsmat = J(rows(DATA), 2, "") statsmat[1, 1] = slab statsmat[3, 1] = sval if (do_svy == 1) statsmat[4, 1] = Fval statsmat[1, 2] = plab statsmat[3, 2] = pval } else if (ppos=="below") { statsmat = J(rows(DATA), 1, "") statsmat[1, 1] = slab statsmat[3, 1] = sval if (do_svy == 1) { statsmat[4, 1] = Fval statsmat[2, 1] = plab statsmat[5, 1] = pval } else { statsmat[2, 1] = plab statsmat[4, 1] = pval } } else if (ppos=="only") { statsmat = J(rows(DATA), 1, "") statsmat[1, 1] = plab statsmat[3, 1] = pval } else if (ppos=="none") { statsmat = J(rows(DATA), 1, "") statsmat[1, 1] = slab statsmat[3, 1] = sval if (do_svy == 1) statsmat[4,1] = Fval } } else if (stats_pos == "row") { if (ppos == "beside") { if (do_svy == 1) { statsmat = J(3, cols(DATA), "") statsmat[1, 1] = "!STATISTICS!" statsmat[1, 2] = "3" statsmat[2, 1] = slab + spacer1 + sval statsmat[3, 1] = Fslab + spacer1 + Fval + spacer2 /// + plab + spacer1 + pval } else { statsmat = J(2, cols(DATA), "") statsmat[1, 1] = "!STATISTICS!" statsmat[1, 2] = "2" statsmat[2, 1] = slab + spacer1 + sval + spacer2 /// + plab + spacer1 + pval } } else if (ppos == "below") { if (do_svy == 1) { statsmat = J(4, cols(DATA), "") statsmat[1, 1] = "!STATISTICS!" statsmat[1, 2] = "4" statsmat[2, 1] = slab + spacer1 + sval statsmat[3, 1] = Fslab + spacer1 + Fval statsmat[4, 1] = plab + spacer1 + pval } else { statsmat = J(3, cols(DATA), "") statsmat[1, 1] = "!STATISTICS!" statsmat[1, 2] = "3" statsmat[2, 1] = slab + spacer1 + sval statsmat[3, 1] = plab + spacer1 + pval } } if (ppos=="only") { statsmat = J(2, cols(DATA), "") statsmat[1, 1] = "!STATISTICS!" statsmat[1, 2] = "2" statsmat[2, 1] = plab + spacer1 + pval } else if (ppos=="none") { if (do_svy == 1) { statsmat = J(3, cols(DATA), "") statsmat[1, 1] = "!STATISTICS!" statsmat[1, 2] = "3" statsmat[2, 1] = slab + spacer1 + sval statsmat[3,1] = Fslab + spacer1 + Fval } else { statsmat = J(2, cols(DATA), "") statsmat[1, 1] = "!STATISTICS!" statsmat[1, 2] = "2" statsmat[2, 1] = slab + spacer1 + sval } } } return(statsmat) } void check_cols (string matrix X) { check = st_matrix("check") p = cols(X) check = check, p st_matrix("check", check) } function empty_col(string matrix X) { Z = X Y = Z[.,1] for (j=2; j<=cols(Z); j++) { empty = 1 for (i=3; i<=rows(Z); i++) { if (Z[i,j]~="") empty = 0 } if (empty==0) Y = Y, Z[.,j] } return(Y) } function strip_rows (string matrix X) { Z = X k = cols(Z) Y = J(2,k,"") for (i=1; i<=2; i++) { Y[i,.] = Z[i,.] } for (i=3; i<=rows(Z); i++) { if (Z[i,1]~="#H2") { if (Z[i,1]=="#H3") Z[i,1] = "" Y = Y \ Z[i,.] } } return(Y) } function strip_neg (string matrix X) { p = rows(X) q = cols(X) Z = J(p,q,"") for (i=1; i<=rows(Z); i++) { for (j=1; j<=cols(Z); j++) { if (X[i,j]~="-999") Z[i,j] = X[i,j] } } return(Z) } function hvtostr( real matrix X) { string matrix Z Y = X Z = J(1,cols(Y),"") for (j=1; j<=cols(Y); j++) { Z[1,j] = strofreal(Y[1,j]) } return(Z) } function vvtostr( real matrix X) { string matrix Z Y = X Z = J(rows(Y),1,"") for (i=1; i<=rows(Y); i++) { Z[i,1] = strofreal(Y[i,1]) } return(Z) } function addlab_torow(string matrix X, /// string matrix Y) { Y[1,1] = " "+Y[1,1] t = rows(X)*cols(Y) A = J(t,1,"") k = 1 for (i=1; i<=rows(X); i++) { for (j=1; j<=cols(Y); j++) { if (j==1) A[k++,1] = X[i,1] + Y[1,j] else A[k++,1] = Y[1,j] } } return(A) } function extraformat (string matrix Z) { string matrix Y Y = J(2,cols(Z),"") for (j=1; j<=cols(Z); j++) { if (strpos(Z[1,j],"p")) { a = subinstr(Z[1,j],"p","") Y[1,j] = a Y[2,j] = "p" } if (strpos(Z[1,j],"m")) { a = subinstr(Z[1,j],"m","") Y[1,j] = a Y[2,j] = "m" } if (Y[1,j]=="") { Y[1,j] = Z[1,j] Y[2,j] = "nil" } } return(Y) } function fixformat (string scalar Z) { string scalar X dpcomma = st_global("dpcomma") fmt = substr(Z,1,1) k = strpos(Z,"c") if (k~=0) X = "%14"+dpcomma+fmt+"fc" else X = "%14"+dpcomma+fmt+"f" return(X) } function fixgaps (string matrix Z, /// real scalar numcols) { X = Z c = cols(X) if (cnumcols) { Y = J(1,numcols,"") for (j=1; j<=cols(Y); j++) { Y[1,j]=X[1,j] } X = Y } return(X) } function makestr (real matrix Z, /// string scalar form, /// string scalar extra, /// real scalar do_se, /// real scalar do_pseudo, /// string scalar ctype) { string matrix X if (do_se==1) { noseb = strtoreal(st_global("noseb")) if (noseb==0) { lbrack = "(" rbrack = ")" } else { lbrack = "" rbrack = "" } } if (do_pseudo==1) { nocib = strtoreal(st_global("nocib")) cisep = st_global("cisep") if (nocib==0) { lcbrack = "[" rcbrack = "]" } else { lcbrack = "" rcbrack = "" } } money = st_global("money") X = J(rows(Z),cols(Z)," ") for (i=1; i<=rows(Z); i++) { for (j=1; j<=cols(Z); j++) { a = strofreal(Z[i,j],form) if (extra~="nil") { if (extra=="p") a = a + "%" else if (extra=="m") a = money + a } X[i,j] = a if (do_se==1) X[i,j] = lbrack+a+rbrack if (do_pseudo & ctype=="LB") X[i,j] = lcbrack+a+cisep if (do_pseudo & ctype=="UB") X[i,j] = a+rcbrack if (Z[i,j]==.) X[i,j] = "" } } return(X) } function make_cistr (real matrix Z, /// real matrix Y, /// string scalar form, /// string scalar extra) { cisep = st_global("cisep") nocib = strtoreal(st_global("nocib")) if (nocib==0) { lcbrack = "[" rcbrack = "]" } else { lcbrack = "" rcbrack = "" } money = st_global("money") X = J(rows(Z),cols(Z)," ") for (i=1; i<=rows(Z); i++) { for (j=1; j<=cols(Z); j++) { a = strofreal(Z[i,j],form) b = strofreal(Y[i,j],form) if (extra~="nil") { if (extra=="p") { a = a + "%" b = b + "%" } else if (extra=="m") { a = money + a b = money + b } } X[i,j] = lcbrack+a+cisep+b+rcbrack if (Z[i,j]==. & Y[i,j]==.) X[i,j] = "" } } return(X) } function labcols (string scalar z, /// real scalar j) /// { string rowvector X for (i=1; i<=j; i++) { X= X, z } return(X) } function labrows (string scalar z, /// real scalar j) /// { string colvector X for (i=1; i<=j; i++) { X= X \ z } return(X) } /* -------------------- adding n to table------------------ */ function add_nlab (string matrix X, /// real matrix Y, /// real scalar tufte, /// string scalar nlab, /// string scalar nform) { if (tufte==1){ LB = J(rows(X),1," (") RB = J(rows(X),1,"%)") } else { lbreak = strpos(nlab,"#")-1 rbreak = strpos(nlab,"#")+1 LB = " " + substr(nlab,1,lbreak) RB = substr(nlab,rbreak,.) } A = X:+LB B = A:+strofreal(Y,nform) Z = B:+RB return(Z) } function add_nrow (string matrix X, /// real matrix Y, /// string scalar nlab, /// real scalar numcat, /// string scalar layout, /// real scalar noffset, /// string scalar nform, /// real scalar oneway) { if (noffset>=numcat) noffset = numcat-1 string rowvector A D = strofreal(Y,nform) if (oneway==1) D = D[1,1] if (layout=="c_block"){ if (noffset==0){ extra = (cols(X)-cols(D))-1 //need to allow for label EX = J(1,extra,"-999") B = D, EX } else { dnum = cols(D) fnum = cols(X) space = dnum*noffset remainder = fnum-(dnum+space+1) // need to allow for label B = J(1,space,"-999") B = B, D if (remainder!=0) { RE = J(1,remainder,"-999") B = B, RE } } } else if (layout=="col") { vlevels = strtoreal(st_global("nlevels")) + 1 ncols = cols(X)-1 B = J(1,ncols,"-999") gap = ncols / vlevels k = noffset+1 for (j=1; j<=cols(D); j++) { B[1,k] = D[1,j] k = k + gap } } else { ncols = cols(X)-1 B = J(1,ncols,"-999") for (j=1; j<=cols(D); j++) { B[1,j] = D[1,j] } } L = "@N@"+ texclean(nlab) B = L, B Z = X \ B return(Z) } function build_ncol (string matrix X, /// real matrix Y, /// string scalar nlab, /// real scalar numcat, /// string scalar layout, /// real scalar noffset, /// string scalar nform) { if (noffset>=numcat) noffset = numcat-1 string colvector A A = strofreal(Y,nform) D = "" m = 0 for (i=1; i<=rows(Y); i++) { if (Y[i,1]!=-1) { m = m+1 if (m==1) D = A[i,1] else D = D \ A[i,1] } } if (layout=="r_block"){ if (noffset==0){ B = J(2,1,"-999") B = B \ A } else { C = J(2,1,"-999") D = C \ D dnum = rows(D) fnum = rows(X) space = dnum*noffset remainder = fnum-(dnum+space) B = J(space,1,"-999") B = B \ D if (remainder!=0) { RE = J(remainder,1,"-999") B = B \ RE } } } else if (layout=="row"){ nrows = rows(X) B = J(nrows,1,"-999") k = noffset+3 for (i=1; i<=rows(D); i++) { B[k,1] = D[i,1] k = k + numcat } } else { B = J(2,1,"-999") B = B \ D } B[1,1] = nlab W = X,B return(W) } /* ------------------ misc routines ------------------------ */ function colperc (real matrix Z) { X = J(rows(Z),1,0) for (i=1; i<=rows(X); i++) { X[i,1]=(Z[i,1]/Z[rows(Z),1])*100 } return(X) } function rowperc (real matrix Z) { X = J(1,cols(Z),0) for (i=1; i<=cols(X); i++) { X[1,i]=(Z[1,i]/Z[1,cols(Z)])*100 } return(X) } function rgtotal (real matrix Z) { X = 0 for (j=1; j<=cols(Z); j++) { X = X + Z[1,j] } return(X) } function cgtotal (real matrix Z) { X = 0 for (i=1; i<=rows(Z); i++) { X = X + Z[i,1] } return(X) } function counts (real matrix Z) { R = rowsum(Z) C = colsum(Z) T = sum(R) MR = Z,R BR = C,T X = MR \ BR return(X) } function exvector (real matrix Z) { X = J(rows(Z),1,0) for (i=1; i<=rows(X); i++) { X[i,1]=Z[i,1] } return(X) } /* -------------------- displaying the results ---------------------- */ void show_data (string matrix X) { finaltot = strtoreal(st_global("finaltot")) lpass = strtoreal(st_global("lpass")) if (finaltot==1 & lpass==1) show = 0 else show = 1 if (show==1) { colwide = strtoreal(st_global("colwide")) Z = X for (i=1; i<=rows(Z); i++) { Z[i,1] = substr(Z[i,1],1,colwide) } for (j=1; j<=cols(Z); j++) { for (i=1; i<=2; i++) { Z[i,j] = substr(Z[i,j],1,colwide) } } Z[1,1] = "" Z[2,1] = "" } } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* ------------------ writing output to files ---------------------- */ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ /*write_roadmap is the main routine for organising the writing out: breaks into three sections: one for xls, one for docx and one for ascii. All xls and docx are done together, to minimise file open and close operations. write_roadmap also calls the body and topbody routines, then the toptable routine, then the write_ascii routine, where the actual cell contents are finally written. */ void write_roadmap( /// string matrix DATA, /// real scalar oneway, /// real scalar numrows) { if (st_global("show")=="all") show_data(DATA) fpass = strtoreal(st_global("fpass")) lpass = strtoreal(st_global("lpass")) style = st_global("style") do_customtop = strtoreal(st_global("do_customtop")) do_body = strtoreal(st_global("do_body")) do_topbody = strtoreal(st_global("do_topbody")) do_custombot = strtoreal(st_global("do_custombot")) do_botbody = strtoreal(st_global("do_botbody")) do_border = strtoreal(st_global("do_border")) do_hlines = strtoreal(st_global("do_hlines")) do_plines = strtoreal(st_global("do_plines")) do_n = strtoreal(st_global("do_n")) do_tleft = strtoreal(st_global("do_tleft")) texreps = (cols(DATA) - 1) * "Y " st_global("texreps", texreps) do_land = strtoreal(st_global("do_land")) do_caption = strtoreal(st_global("do_caption")) family = st_global("family") ssfamily = st_global("ssfamily") rmfamily = st_global("rmfamily") fontsize = st_global("fontsize") font = st_global("tfont") struct fontstruct scalar fnt if (family == "") = "Arial" else = family if (family != "" & style == "tex") { fnt.rmfamily = rmfamily fnt.ssfamily = ssfamily } if (fontsize =="") { if (style == "tex") fnt.fontsize = "10" if (style == "htm") fnt.fontsize = "12" if (style == "xls" | style == "xlsx") fnt.fontsize = "10" if (style == "docx") fnt.fontsize = "10" } else fnt.fontsize = fontsize fnt.font = font struct prepoststruct scalar prpst prpst.prefile = st_global("prefile") prpst.topinsert = st_global("topinsert") prpst.postfile = st_global("postfile") prpst.botinsert = st_global("botinsert") = st_global("ps") prpst.delim = st_global("delim") datawidth = cols(DATA) - 1 // to ignore label column if (do_n == 1 & (st_global("n_pos") == "col" | // st_global("n_pos") == "both")) datawidth = datawidth - 1 if (st_global("stpos") == "col") { if (st_global("ppos") == "beside") datawidth = datawidth - 2 else datawidth = datawidth - 1 } st_numscalar("dwidth", datawidth) h1extra = (cols(DATA) - 1) - datawidth st_numscalar("h1extra", h1extra) if (style == "xls" | style == "xlsx") { write_xls(style, fpass, lpass, DATA, fnt, oneway, /// numrows, do_border, do_hlines, do_plines) } else if (style == "docx") { write_docx(style, fpass, lpass, DATA, fnt, oneway, /// numrows, do_border, do_hlines, do_plines, do_tleft) } else { if (fpass == 1) { if (do_body==1 | do_topbody==1) write_topbody(style, fnt) if (do_customtop == 1) write_prepost(prpst, 1) write_toptable(style, fnt, do_border, do_land, /// do_caption, do_tleft, DATA) } write_ascii(DATA, fnt, oneway, numrows, style) if (lpass == 1) { write_bottomtable(style, do_border, do_land, /// do_caption, do_tleft, fnt) if (do_custombot==1) write_prepost(prpst, 0) if (do_body==1 | do_botbody==1) write_bottombody(style) } } check_cols(DATA) } void write_xls( /// string scalar style, /// real scalar fpass, /// real scalar lpass, /// string matrix X, /// struct fontstruct fnt, /// real scalar oneway, /// real scalar numrows, /// real scalar do_border, /// real scalar do_hlines, /// real scalar do_plines) { outfile = st_global("mainfile") title = st_global("title") h1 = st_global("h1") h2 = st_global("h2") h3 = st_global("h3") h1cols = st_global("h1c") h2cols = st_global("h2c") h3cols = st_global("h3c") hvarname = st_global("hvarname") vvarname = st_global("vvarname") showtot = strtoreal(st_global("showtot")) single = strtoreal(st_global("single")) do_hright = strtoreal(st_global("do_hright")) do_n = strtoreal(st_global("do_n")) indent = strtoreal(st_global("indent")) fn = st_global("fn") class xl scalar b b = xl() if (fpass == 1) { if (do_hright == 0) cellpos = "center" else cellpos = "right" if (oneway == 1 & h1 =="") { h1 = "nil" } if (oneway == 1 & h2 =="") { if (do_n == 1) X[2, cols(X)] = X[1, cols(X)] h2 = "nil" } sheetname = st_global("sheetname") currentrow = strtoreal(st_global("rowpos")) currentcol = strtoreal(st_global("colpos")) st_numscalar("currentrow", currentrow) st_numscalar("currentcol", currentcol) numcols = cols(X) dropfirstsheet = 0 /*b.set_error_mode("off")*/ if (strtoreal(st_global("exists"))==0) { b.create_book(outfile, sheetname, style) } else { b.load_book(outfile) if (strtoreal(st_global("replace"))==1) { b.clear_book(outfile) dropfirstsheet = 1 } } sheets = b.get_sheets() already_exists = 0 for(i=1;i<=rows(sheets);i++) { if (sheets[i] == sheetname) already_exists = 1 } if (already_exists == 1) b.set_sheet(sheetname) else b.add_sheet(sheetname) /* if (dropfirstsheet == 1 & sheetname != "Sheet1") /// b.delete_sheet("Sheet1") */ if (title != "") { b.put_string(currentrow, currentcol, title) currentrow = currentrow + 2 } if (do_border==1) { toprow = currentrow topcols = (currentcol, currentcol + numcols - 1) } st_numscalar("currentrow", currentrow) numcols = st_numscalar("dwidth") currentcol = st_numscalar("currentcol") if (h1 != "nil") { if (h1 != "") { if (h1 != "" & h1cols != "") { headstrs = tokens(h1, " ") colnums = tokens(h1cols, " ") numhead = length(colnums) scol = currentcol + 1 for (j=1; j<=(numhead); j++) { headingstr = strip_underscore(headstrs[j]) span = strtoreal(colnums[j]) bcols = (scol, scol + span - 1) b.put_string(currentrow, scol, headingstr) scol = scol + span } } } else { headingstr = hvarname currentrow = st_numscalar("currentrow") bcols = (currentcol + 1, currentcol + numcols) } st_numscalar("currentrow", /// currentrow + 1) } if (h2 != "nil") { currentrow = st_numscalar("currentrow") scol = currentcol + 1 lcols = (scol, currentcol + numcols) if (single == 1) { b.put_string(currentrow, currentcol, vvarname) } if (h2 != "" & h2cols != "") { headstrs = tokens(h2, " ") colnums = tokens(h2cols, " ") numhead = length(colnums) scol = currentcol + 1 for (j=1; j<=(numhead); j++) { headingstr = strip_underscore(headstrs[j]) span = strtoreal(colnums[j]) bcols = (scol, scol + span - 1) b.put_string(currentrow, scol, headingstr) scol = scol + span } } else { mcol = fixmulti(X[1, .]) if (mcol[2, 1] != "na"){ for (j=1; j<=cols(mcol); j++) { name = mcol[1, j] ecol = scol + strtoreal(mcol[2, j] ) bcols = (scol, ecol) if (mcol[2, j] != "1") { b.set_horizontal_align(currentrow, bcols, "merge") } else { b.set_horizontal_align(currentrow, bcols, cellpos) } b.set_font(currentrow, scol,, strtoreal(fnt.fontsize)) if (fnt.font=="bold") b.set_font_bold(currentrow, scol, "on") if (fnt.font=="italic") b.set_font_italic(currentrow, scol, "on") b.put_string(currentrow, scol, name) scol = scol + strtoreal(mcol[2, j]) } } else { scol = currentcol + 1 ecol = scol + (cols(X) - 1) cols = (scol, ecol) name = mcol[1, ] b.put_string(currentrow, scol, name) } } st_numscalar("currentrow", currentrow + 1) } if (h3 != "nil") { currentrow = st_numscalar("currentrow") scol = currentcol + 1 lcols = (scol, currentcol + numcols) bcols = (currentcol, currentcol + cols(X)) if (h3 != "" & h3cols != "") { headstrs = tokens(h3, " ") colnums = tokens(h3cols, " ") numhead = length(colnums) scol = currentcol + 1 for (j=1; j<=(numhead); j++) { headingstr = strip_underscore(headstrs[j]) span = strtoreal(colnums[j]) bcols = (scol, scol + span - 1) b.put_string(currentrow, scol, headingstr) scol = scol + span } } else { X[2,1] = "" } st_numscalar("currentrow", currentrow + 1) } } else { b.load_book(outfile) b.set_sheet(st_global("sheetname")) } do_stats = strtoreal(st_global("do_stats")) stpos = st_global("stpos") currentcol = st_numscalar("currentcol") currentrow = st_numscalar("currentrow") lwidth = st_global("lwidth") cwidth = st_global("cwidth") currentcol = st_numscalar("currentcol") ecol = cols(X) - 1 lcols = (currentcol, currentcol + ecol) if (lwidth != "") lwidth = strtoreal(lwidth) else lwidth = 35 if (cwidth != "") cwidth = strtoreal(cwidth) else cwidth = 12 if (showtot==0) height = rows(X) - numrows else height = rows(X) width = cols(X) doing_stats = 0 prntlinenum = 0 for (i=1; i<=height; i++) { if (substr(X[i, 1], 1, 3) == "@N@") { X[i, 1] = substr(X[i, 1], 4, .) prntlinenum = i - 3 } if (X[i, 1] == "!STATISTICS!") { stmat = X[i + 1 .. height, ] X = X[1 .. i -1, ] height = rows(X) doing_stats = 1 } } if (single == 0) { b.put_string(currentrow, currentcol, vvarname) currentrow = currentrow + 1 } labels = X[3..height, 1] rowblock = currentrow + height - 2 colblock = currentcol + width -1 labelrows = (currentrow, rowblock) labelcols = (currentcol) data = X[3..height, 2..width] datarows = (currentrow, rowblock) datacols = (currentcol + 1, colblock ) lcols = (currentcol, currentcol + cols(X)-1) b.put_string(currentrow, currentcol, labels) b.put_string(currentrow, currentcol + 1, data) currentrow = currentrow + rows(labels) - 1 if (do_plines == 1) b.set_bottom_border(currentrow, lcols, "thin") currentrow = currentrow + 1 if (doing_stats == 1 ) { statsrows = (currentrow, currentrow + rows(stmat)) statscols = (currentcol, currentcol + cols(stmat)) b.put_string(currentrow, currentcol, stmat) currentrow = currentrow + rows(stmat) st_numscalar("currentrow", currentrow) } else { st_numscalar("currentrow", currentrow) } if (lpass == 1) { currentcol = st_numscalar("currentcol") currentrow = st_numscalar("currentrow") numcols = cols(X) bcols = (currentcol, currentcol + numcols - 1) if (fn != "") { b.put_string(currentrow, currentcol, fn) currentrow = currentrow + 1 } st_numscalar("currentrow", currentrow) st_numscalar("currentcol", currentcol) } } void write_docx( /// string scalar style, /// real scalar fpass, /// real scalar lpass, /// string matrix X, /// struct fontstruct fnt, /// real scalar oneway, /// real scalar numrows, /// real scalar do_border, /// real scalar do_hlines, /// real scalar do_plines, /// real scalar do_tleft) { h1 = st_global("h1") h2 = st_global("h2") h3 = st_global("h3") outfile = st_global("mainfile") title = st_global("title") h1 = st_global("h1") h2 = st_global("h2") h3 = st_global("h3") h1cols = st_global("h1c") h2cols = st_global("h2c") h3cols = st_global("h3c") hvarname = st_global("hvarname") vvarname = st_global("vvarname") showtot = strtoreal(st_global("showtot")) single = strtoreal(st_global("single")) do_land = strtoreal(st_global("do_land")) do_hright = strtoreal(st_global("do_hright")) do_n = strtoreal(st_global("do_n")) paper = st_global("paper") fn = st_global("fn") if (do_tleft == 1) talign = "left" else talign = "center" twidth = st_global("twidth") numcols = st_numscalar("dwidth") if (twidth != "") tablewidth = strtoreal(twidth) * 50 else tablewidth = 0 varrow = 2 if (fpass == 1) { if (do_hright == 0) cellpos = "center" else cellpos = "right" if (oneway == 1 & h1 =="") h1 = "nil" if (oneway == 1 & h2 =="") { if (do_n == 1) X[2, cols(X)] = X[1, cols(X)] h2 = "nil" } hrows = 0 if (h1 != "nil") hrows = hrows + 1 if (h2 != "nil") hrows = hrows + 1 if (h3 != "nil") hrows = hrows + 1 st_numscalar("currentrow", 1) dh = _docx_new() st_numscalar("dh", dh) if (dh < 0) { printf("Error creating file: ") dh } m = _docx_set_font(dh, m = _docx_set_size(dh, strtoreal(fnt.fontsize) * 2) m = _docx_set_papersize(dh, paper) if (do_land == 1) m = _docx_set_landscape(dh, 1) if (title != "") { m = _docx_paragraph_new(dh, "") m = _docx_paragraph_set_halign(dh, talign) m = _docx_paragraph_set_textsize(dh, abs(strtoreal(fnt.fontsize) * 2.4)) m = _docx_paragraph_add_text(dh, title) if (fnt.font=="bold") m = _docx_text_set_bold(dh, 1) if (fnt.font=="italic") m = _docx_text_set_italic(dh, 1) } tid = m = _docx_new_table(dh, hrows, cols(X)) st_numscalar("tid", tid) if (tablewidth == 0) { m = _docx_table_set_width(dh, tid, "auto", 5000) } else { m = _docx_table_set_width(dh, tid, "pct", tablewidth) } m = _docx_table_set_alignment(dh, tid, talign) if (do_border == 1) { linelist = (1) st_matrix("linelist", linelist) } else { linelist = (0) st_matrix("linelist", linelist) } if (h1 != "nil") { currentrow = st_numscalar("currentrow") if (h1 != "" & h1cols != "") { headstrs = tokens(h1, " ") colnums = tokens(h1cols, " ") numhead = length(colnums) start = 2 for (j=1; j<=(numhead); j++) { headingstr = strip_underscore(headstrs[j]) span = strtoreal(colnums[j]) m = _docx_cell_set_colspan(dh, tid, /// currentrow, start, span) m = _docx_table_mod_cell(dh, tid, currentrow, /// start, headingstr) m = fixdocxfont(dh, tid, currentrow, start) m = _docx_cell_set_texthalign(dh, tid, currentrow, /// start, "center") start = start + span } } else headingstr = hvarname currentrow = st_numscalar("currentrow") numcols = st_numscalar("dwidth") m = _docx_cell_set_colspan(dh, tid, currentrow, 2, numcols) m = _docx_table_mod_cell(dh, tid, currentrow, 2, headingstr) m = fixdocxfont(dh, tid, currentrow, 2) m = _docx_cell_set_texthalign(dh, tid, currentrow, 2, "center") st_numscalar("currentrow", currentrow + 1) } if (h2 != "nil") { currentrow = st_numscalar("currentrow") if (h2 != "" & h2cols != "") { headstrs = tokens(h2, " ") colnums = tokens(h2cols, " ") numhead = length(colnums) start = 2 for (j=1; j<=(numhead); j++) { headingstr = strip_underscore(headstrs[j]) span = strtoreal(colnums[j]) m = _docx_cell_set_colspan(dh, tid, /// currentrow, start, span) m = _docx_table_mod_cell(dh, tid, currentrow, /// start, headingstr) m = fixdocxfont(dh, tid, currentrow, start) m = _docx_cell_set_texthalign(dh, tid, currentrow, /// start, cellpos) start = start + span } } else { varrow = currentrow mcol = fixmulti(X[1, .]) if (mcol[2, 1] != "na"){ /// will have multicols scol = 2 for (j=1; j<=cols(mcol); j++) { name = mcol[1, j] span = strtoreal(mcol[2, j] ) if (mcol[2, j] != "1") { m = _docx_cell_set_colspan(dh, tid, currentrow, scol, span) } m = _docx_table_mod_cell(dh, tid, currentrow, scol, name) m = fixdocxfont(dh, tid, currentrow, scol) m = _docx_cell_set_texthalign(dh, tid, currentrow, scol, cellpos) scol = scol + strtoreal(mcol[2, j]) } } else { /// where no multicols X[1,1] = "" scol = 1 for (j=1; j<=cols(X); j++) { name = X[1, j] m = _docx_table_mod_cell(dh, tid, currentrow, scol, name) m = fixdocxfont(dh, tid, currentrow, scol) m = _docx_cell_set_texthalign(dh, tid, currentrow, scol, cellpos) scol = scol + 1 } } } st_numscalar("currentrow", currentrow + 1) if (do_hlines == 1) { st_numscalar("currentrow", currentrow + 1) } } if (h3 != "nil") { currentrow = st_numscalar("currentrow") if (h3 != "" & h3cols != "") { headstrs = tokens(h3, " ") colnums = tokens(h3cols, " ") numhead = length(colnums) start = 2 for (j=1; j<=(numhead); j++) { headingstr = strip_underscore(headstrs[j]) span = strtoreal(colnums[j]) m = _docx_cell_set_colspan(dh, tid, /// currentrow, start, span) m = _docx_table_mod_cell(dh, tid, currentrow, /// start, headingstr) m = fixdocxfont(dh, tid, currentrow, start) m = _docx_cell_set_texthalign(dh, tid, currentrow, /// start, cellpos) start = start + span } } else { X[2,1] = "" scol = 1 for (j=1; j<=cols(X); j++) { name = X[2, j] m = _docx_table_mod_cell(dh, tid, currentrow, scol, name) m = _docx_cell_set_texthalign(dh, tid, currentrow, scol, cellpos) if (currentrow == 1) m = fixdocxfont(dh, tid, /// currentrow, scol) scol = scol + 1 } } st_numscalar("currentrow", currentrow + 1) if (do_hlines == 1) { numcols = numcols + 1 } /// if hlines } /// if h3 != "nill" } /// if first pass dh = st_numscalar("dh") tid = st_numscalar("tid") if (single == 1) { m = _docx_table_mod_cell(dh, tid, varrow, 1, vvarname) m = _docx_cell_set_texthalign(dh, tid, varrow, 1, "left") m = fixdocxfont(dh, tid, varrow, 1) } currentrow = st_numscalar("currentrow") if (do_plines == 1) linelist = updatelines(linelist, currentrow) do_stats = strtoreal(st_global("do_stats")) stpos = st_global("stpos") doing_stats = 0 prntlinenum = 0 for (i=1; i<=rows(X); i++) { if (substr(X[i, 1], 1, 3) == "@N@") { X[i, 1] = substr(X[i, 1], 4, .) prntlinenum = i - 2 Nrow = currentrow + prntlinenum if (do_plines == 1) linelist = updatelines(linelist, Nrow) } if (X[i, 1] == "!STATISTICS!") { stmat = X[i + 1 .. rows(X), ] X = X[1 .. i -1, ] doing_stats = 1 } } if (single == 0) { m = _docx_table_add_row(dh, tid, currentrow - 1, cols(X)) m = _docx_table_mod_cell(dh, tid, currentrow, 1, vvarname) m = _docx_cell_set_texthalign(dh, tid, currentrow, 1, "left") m = fixdocxfont(dh, tid, currentrow, 1) currentrow = currentrow + 1 } if (showtot==0) size = rows(X) - numrows else size = rows(X) for (i=3; i<=size; i++) { m = _docx_table_add_row(dh, tid, currentrow - 1, cols(X)) for (j=1; j<=cols(X); j++) { m = _docx_table_mod_cell(dh, tid, currentrow, j, X[i, j] ) if (j == 1) /// m = _docx_cell_set_texthalign(dh, tid, currentrow, j, "left") else m = _docx_cell_set_texthalign(dh, tid, currentrow, j, "right") } currentrow = currentrow + 1 } if (doing_stats == 1 ) { for (i=1; i<=rows(stmat); i++) { m = _docx_table_add_row(dh, tid, currentrow - 1, cols(X)) for (j=1; j<=cols(stmat); j++) { m = _docx_cell_set_colspan(dh, tid, currentrow, 1, cols(X) ) m = _docx_table_mod_cell(dh, tid, currentrow, j, stmat[i, j] ) m = _docx_cell_set_textsize(dh, tid, currentrow, j, abs(strtoreal(fnt.fontsize) * 1.8)) m = _docx_cell_set_texthalign(dh, tid, currentrow, j, "left") } currentrow = currentrow + 1 } Srow = currentrow - rows(stmat) if (do_plines == 1) linelist = updatelines(linelist, Srow) } st_numscalar("currentrow", currentrow) if (lpass == 1) { currentrow = st_numscalar("currentrow") if (do_border == 1) linelist = updatelines(linelist, currentrow) if (fn != "") { m = _docx_table_add_row(dh, tid, currentrow - 1, cols(X)) m = _docx_cell_set_colspan(dh, tid, currentrow, 1, cols(X) ) m = _docx_table_mod_cell(dh, tid, currentrow, 1, fn) m = _docx_cell_set_textsize(dh, tid, currentrow, 1, abs(strtoreal(fnt.fontsize) * 1.6)) m = _docx_cell_set_texthalign(dh, tid, currentrow, 1, "left") } if (do_plines == 1) { linelist = st_matrix("linelist") } res = _docx_save(dh, outfile, 1) if (res < 0) { printf("Error saving file: ") res } m = _docx_close(dh) } } void write_ascii( /// string matrix X, /// struct fontstruct fnt, /// real scalar oneway, /// real scalar numrows, /// string scalar style) { done = 0 ptab = "" suppress = 0 do_n = strtoreal(st_global("do_n")) npos = st_global("n_pos") lwidth = st_global("lwidth") cwidth = st_global("cwidth") units = st_global("units") single = strtoreal(st_global("single")) fpass = strtoreal(st_global("fpass")) lpass = strtoreal(st_global("lpass")) showtot = strtoreal(st_global("showtot")) h1 = st_global("h1") h2 = st_global("h2") h3 = st_global("h3") h1cols = st_global("h1c") h2cols = st_global("h2c") h3cols = st_global("h3c") ltrim = st_global("ltrim") fwidth = strofreal(cols(X)) pwidth = strofreal(st_numscalar("dwidth")) do_hlines = strtoreal(st_global("do_hlines")) do_plines = strtoreal(st_global("do_plines")) fullline = "" h1line = "" h2line = "" h3line = "" startline = "" endlineline = "" struct stystruct scalar sty if (style == "htm") { if (lwidth != "") lwidth = "width = " + lwidth + units + " " if (cwidth != "") cwidth = "width = " + cwidth + units + " " if (do_hlines == 1) { sty.h1line = "" sty.h2line = "" sty.h3line = "" sty.startline = "" sty.endline = "" } if (do_plines ==1) sty.fullline = "" fontsize = st_global("fontsize") size = strtoreal(fontsize) * 0.9 h1extra = st_numscalar("h1extra") sty.fullwidth = "" /// + fixfont(st_global("vvarname")) + "" sty.prefirst = " " sty.pre = " " = "" sty.rbeg = "" sty.rend = "" sty.h1beg = "" sty.h1midend = "" sty.h1end = "" if (h1extra > 0) { for (j=1; j<=h1extra; j++) { sty.h1end = sty.h1end + "" } sty.h1end = sty.h1end + "" } else sty.h1end = "" sty.h2beg = "" sty.h2midend = "" sty.h2end = "" sty.h3beg = "" sty.h3midend = "" sty.h3end = "" sty.statsbeg = "" sty.statsend = "" k = check_empty(X, 2) if (h3 == "nil" | k == 1) sty.h2line="" } else if (style == "tex") { pwidth = strofreal(st_numscalar("dwidth") + 1) dwidth = strofreal(st_numscalar("dwidth")) sty.h1line = "\cmidrule(l{" + ltrim + "em}){2-" + pwidth + "} " if (do_hlines == 1) { sty.h3line = "\midrule " linespans = 0 mcol = fixmulti(X[1, .]) if (h2cols !="" | mcol[2, 1] != "na") linespans = 1 if (linespans == 0) { sty.h2line = "\cmidrule(l{" + ltrim + "em}){2-" + pwidth + "} " } else { sty.h2line = "" if (h2cols !="") colnums = tokens(h2cols, " ") else if ( mcol[2, 1] != "na") colnums = mcol[2, ] numhead = length(colnums) cstart = 2 for (j=1; j<=(numhead); j++) { colnum = colnums[j] cend = (cstart + strtoreal(colnum)) - 1 span = "{" + strofreal(cstart) + "-" + /// strofreal(cend) + "}" sty.h2line = sty.h2line + "\cmidrule(l{" + ltrim + "em})" + span cstart = (cstart + strtoreal(colnum)) } } k = check_empty(X, 2) if (h3 == "nil" | k == 1) sty.h2line="" sty.startline = "" sty.endline = "" } if (do_plines == 1) sty.fullline = "\midrule " sty.fullwidth = "" sty.prefirst = "" sty.pre = " & " = "" sty.rbeg = "" sty.rend = " \\" sty.h1beg = "& \multicolumn{" sty.h1mid = "}{c}{" sty.h1midend = "}" sty.h1end = "} " sty.h2beg = " & \multicolumn{" sty.h2mid = "}{c}{" sty.h2midend = "} " sty.h2end = "" sty.h3beg = " & \multicolumn{" sty.h3mid = "}{c}{" sty.h3midend = "} " sty.h3end = "" sty.statsbeg = "\multicolumn{" sty.statsmid = "}{@{} l}{\scriptsize{" sty.statsend = "}} " } else if (style == "tab" | style == "csv" | style == "semi") { if (style == "csv") ptab = "," else if (style == "semi") ptab = ";" else ptab = char(09) sty.pre = ptab suppress = 1 } if (oneway == 1 & do_n == 1 & (npos == "col" | npos== "both")) fixn = 1 else fixn = 0 if (fpass == 1) { if (h1 != "nil") { if (oneway == 0) write_h1(sty, fnt, h1, h1cols, suppress, /// do_hlines, X) else if (oneway == 1 & h1 !="") /// write_h1(sty, fnt, h1, h1cols, suppress, do_hlines, X) } if (h2 != "nil") { if (oneway == 0) write_h2(sty, fnt, h2, h2cols, suppress, /// do_hlines, X) else if (oneway == 1 & h2 !="") /// write_h2(sty, fnt, h2, h2cols, suppress, do_hlines, X) } if (h3 != "nil") { write_h3(sty, fnt, h3, h3cols, suppress, fixn, X) } } write_contents(sty, fnt, numrows, do_hlines, do_plines, suppress, X, fpass) } void write_prepost( /// struct prepoststruct prpst, /// real scalar is_top) { outfile = st_global("mainfile") fh_out = fopen(outfile, "a") if (is_top == 1) { infile = prpst.prefile insert = prpst.topinsert } else { infile = prpst.postfile insert = prpst.botinsert } fh_in = fopen(infile, "r") if (insert != "nil"){ INS = tokens(insert, prpst.delim) INS = strip_delim(INS, prpst.delim) k = 0 while ((line = fget(fh_in)) != J(0, 0, "")) { while (strpos(line, > 0) { if (k <= cols(INS)) { k = k + 1 line = subinstr(line,, INS[1, k], 1) } } fput(fh_out, line) } } else { while ((line = fget(fh_in)) != J(0, 0, "")) { fput(fh_out, line) } } fclose(fh_out) fclose(fh_in) } void write_topbody( /// string scalar style, /// struct fontstruct fnt) { outfile = st_global("mainfile") fh_out = fopen(outfile,"a") if (style == "htm") { css = st_global("css") fput(fh_out, "") fput(fh_out, "") if (css != "") fput(fh_out," ") fput(fh_out, "") } else if (style=="tex") { do_land = strtoreal(st_global("do_land")) do_caption = strtoreal(st_global("do_caption")) font = st_global("tfont") capfont = "" if (font == "bold") capfont = "bf" else if (font == "italic") capfont = "it" if (fnt.rmfamily != "") { fontspec1 = "\usepackage{fontspec, xltxtra, xunicode}" fontspec2 = "\setromanfont{" + fnt.rmfamily + "}" fontspec3 = "\setsansfont{" + fnt.ssfamily + "}" } else { fontspec1 = "" fontspec2 = "" fontspec3 = "" } paper = st_global("paper") +", " doctype = st_global("doctype") ptsize = fnt.fontsize + "pt" angle = st_global("angle") fput(fh_out,"\documentclass[" + paper + ptsize + "]{" + doctype + "}") fput(fh_out,"\usepackage{multicol}") fput(fh_out, "\usepackage{tabularx}") fput(fh_out, "\usepackage{booktabs}") fput(fh_out, "\usepackage{lscape}") if (do_caption == 1) { fput(fh_out,"\usepackage{float}") fput(fh_out, "\usepackage{caption}") if (capfont != "") insert = ",font = " + capfont +"}" else insert = "}" fput(fh_out, "\captionsetup{font=small," + /// "justification=centering" + insert) } fput(fh_out, fontspec1) fput(fh_out, fontspec2) fput(fh_out, fontspec3) if (angle != "0") { fput(fh_out, "\newcommand{\rot}[2]{\rule{1em}{0pt}%") fput(fh_out, "\makebox[0cm][c]{\rotatebox{#1}{\ #2}}}") } fput(fh_out,"\begin{document}") } fclose(fh_out) } void write_toptable( /// string scalar style, /// struct fontstruct fnt, /// real scalar do_border, /// real scalar do_land, /// real scalar do_caption, /// real scalar do_tleft, /// string matrix X) { outfile = st_global("mainfile") title = st_global("title") units = st_global("units") caplab = st_global("caplab") cappos = st_global("cappos") fh_out = fopen(outfile,"a") ntc = strtoreal(st_global("ntc")) if (style == "htm") { if (ntc == 0) { st_numscalar("mult", 1.2) has_style = 0 if (title !="") { titlestr = "

" + fixfont(title) + "

" fput(fh_out, titlestr) has_style = 1 } twidth = st_global("twidth") width = "" frame = "" st_numscalar("mult", 1) tablestart = "{\raggedleft\arraybackslash}X}") texreps = st_global("texreps") fput(fh_out, "\begin{tabularx} {" + twidth + // "} {@{} l " + texreps + "@{}}") if (do_border == 1) fput(fh_out, "\toprule") } } else if (style == "tab" | style == "csv" | style == "semi") { fput(fh_out, title) } fclose(fh_out) } void write_h1( /// struct stystruct sty, /// struct fontstruct fnt, /// string scalar heading, /// string scalar h1cols, /// real scalar suppress, /// real scalar do_hlines, /// string matrix X) { outfile = st_global("mainfile") hvarname = st_global("hvarname") if (heading != "") { if (h1cols != "") { printstr = sty.rbeg + sty.prefirst headstrs = tokens(heading, " ") colnums = tokens(h1cols, " ") numhead = length(colnums) for (j=1; j<=(numhead); j++) { name = fixfont(texclean(strip_underscore(headstrs[j]))) colnum = colnums[j] if (suppress == 0) printstr = printstr + sty.h1beg /// + colnum + sty.h1mid + name + sty.h1midend else { numtabs = "" k = strtoreal(colnum) for (i=1; i<=k; i++) numtabs = numtabs + sty.pre printstr = printstr + numtabs + name } } printstr = printstr + + sty.rend } else headingstr = heading } else headingstr = fixfont(hvarname) if (suppress == 1) span = sty.pre else span = strofreal(st_numscalar("dwidth")) printstr = sty.rbeg + sty.h1beg + span /// + sty.h1mid + texclean(headingstr) + sty.h1end + sty.rend fh_out = fopen(outfile,"a") fput(fh_out, printstr) if (do_hlines == 1 & suppress == 0) fput(fh_out, sty.h1line) fclose(fh_out) } void write_h2( /// struct stystruct sty, /// struct fontstruct fnt, /// string scalar heading, /// string scalar h2cols, /// real scalar suppress, /// real scalar do_hlines, /// string matrix X) { outfile = st_global("mainfile") numcols = st_numscalar("dwidth") h2str = "" mcol = fixmulti(X[1, .]) if (mcol[2, 1] != "na"){ for (j=1; j<=cols(mcol); j++) { name = rotate(fixfont(texclean(mcol[1, j]))) if (mcol[2, j] != "1") { if (suppress == 0) { h2str = h2str + sty.h2beg /// + mcol[2, j] + sty.h2mid + name + sty.h2midend } else { numtabs = "" k = strtoreal(mcol[2,j]) for (i=1; i<=k; i++) numtabs = numtabs + sty.pre h2str = h2str + numtabs + name } } else h2str = h2str + sty.pre + name + } } else { for (j=2; j<=cols(X); j++) { h2str = h2str + sty.pre /// + rotate(fixfont(texclean(X[1,j]))) + } } if (heading != "") { if (h2cols != "") { printstr = sty.rbeg + sty.prefirst headstrs = tokens(heading, " ") colnums = tokens(h2cols, " ") numhead = length(colnums) if (rowsum(strtoreal(colnums)) == numhead) singlecol = 1 else singlecol = 0 for (j=1; j<=(numhead); j++) { name = /// rotate(fixfont(texclean(strip_underscore(headstrs[j])))) colnum = colnums[j] if (suppress == 0) { if (singlecol == 0) printstr = printstr + /// sty.h2beg + colnum + sty.h2mid + name + sty.h2midend else printstr = printstr + sty.pre + name } else { if (singlecol == 0) { numtabs = "" k = strtoreal(colnum) for (i=1; i<=k; i++) numtabs = numtabs + sty.pre printstr = printstr + numtabs + name } else printstr = printstr + sty.pre + name } } printstr = printstr + + sty.rend } else printstr = fixfont(heading) } else printstr = sty.rbeg + sty.prefirst /// + h2str + sty.h2end + sty.rend fh_out = fopen(outfile,"a") fput(fh_out, printstr) if (do_hlines == 1 & suppress == 0) fput(fh_out, sty.h2line) fclose(fh_out) } void write_h3( /// struct stystruct sty, /// struct fontstruct fnt, /// string scalar heading, /// string scalar h3cols, /// real scalar suppress, /// real scalar fixn, /// string matrix X) { outfile = st_global("mainfile") numcols = st_numscalar("dwidth") lines = st_global("lines") h3str = "" for (j=2; j<=cols(X); j++) { if (fixn==1 & j==cols(X)) w = 1 else w = 2 h3str = h3str + sty.pre + texclean(X[w,j]) + } if (heading != "") { if (h3cols != "") { printstr = sty.rbeg + sty.prefirst headstrs = tokens(heading, " ") colnums = tokens(h3cols, " ") numhead = length(colnums) if (rowsum(strtoreal(colnums)) == numhead) singlecol = 1 else singlecol = 0 for (j=1; j<=(numhead); j++) { name = texclean(strip_underscore(headstrs[j])) colnum = colnums[j] if (suppress == 0) { if (singlecol == 0) printstr = printstr + /// sty.h3beg + colnum + sty.h3mid + name + sty.h3midend else printstr = printstr + sty.pre + name } else { if (singlecol == 0) { numtabs = "" k = strtoreal(colnum) for (i=1; i<=k; i++) numtabs = numtabs + sty.pre printstr = printstr + numtabs + name } else printstr = printstr + sty.pre + name } } printstr = printstr + + sty.rend } else printstr = heading } else printstr = sty.rbeg + sty.prefirst + h3str + sty.rend fh_out = fopen(outfile,"a") fput(fh_out, printstr) fclose(fh_out) } void write_contents( /// struct stystruct sty, /// struct fontstruct fnt, /// real scalar numrows, /// real scalar do_hlines, /// real scalar do_plines, /// real scalar suppress, /// string matrix X, /// real scalar fpass) { outfile = st_global("mainfile") showtot = strtoreal(st_global("showtot")) single = strtoreal(st_global("single")) style = st_global("style") fh_out = fopen(outfile,"a") if (fpass == 1) { if (do_hlines == 1 & suppress == 0) fput(fh_out, sty.h3line) } else { if (do_plines == 1 & suppress == 0) fput(fh_out, sty.fullline) } vvarname = st_global("vvarname") varstr = fixfont(texclean(vvarname)) if (single == 0 & suppress == 0) fput(fh_out, sty.fullwidth) if (vvarname != "!PTOTAL!") printstr = sty.rbeg /// + sty.prefirst + varstr + + sty.rend if (style != "htm") fput(fh_out, printstr) if (showtot==0) size = rows(X) - numrows else size = rows(X) doing_stats = 0 for (i=3; i<=size; i++) { if (substr(X[i,1], 1, 3) == "@N@") { printline = sty.fullline if (do_plines == 1 & suppress == 0) fput(fh_out, printline) printstr = sty.prefirst + texclean(substr(X[i,1], 4, .)) /// + } else printstr = sty.prefirst + texclean(X[i, 1]) + if (X[i, 1] == "!STATISTICS!") doing_stats = 1 if (doing_stats == 0) { for (j=2; j<=cols(X); j++) { printstr = printstr + sty.pre + /// texclean(X[i, j]) + } } else { if (suppress == 0) spanwidth=strofreal(cols(X)) else spanwidth = "" printstr = sty.statsbeg + spanwidth /// + sty.statsmid + texclean(X[i, 1]) + sty.statsend } if (X[i, 1] == "!STATISTICS!") { printline = sty.fullline if (do_plines == 1 & suppress == 0) fput(fh_out, printline) } else { fput(fh_out, sty.rbeg + printstr + sty.rend) } } fclose(fh_out) } void write_bottomtable( /// string scalar style, /// real scalar do_border, /// real scalar do_land, /// real scalar do_caption, /// real scalar do_tleft, /// struct fontstruct fnt) { outfile = st_global("mainfile") title = st_global("title") fn = st_global("fn") caplab = st_global("caplab") cappos = st_global("cappos") fontsize = st_global("fontsize") family = st_global("family") fh_out = fopen(outfile,"a") ntc = strtoreal(st_global("ntc")) if (style == "htm") { if (ntc == 0) { fput(fh_out, "") if (fn !="") { st_numscalar("mult", 0.8) fnstr = "

" + fn + "

" fput(fh_out, fnstr) } } } else if (style == "tex") { if (ntc == 0) { if (do_border == 1) fput(fh_out, "\bottomrule") fput(fh_out, "\end{tabularx}") fn = texclean(st_global("fn")) twidth = st_global("twidth") texdef = st_global("texdef") units = st_global("units") if (twidth == "") twidth = texdef else twidth = twidth + units if (fn !="") fput(fh_out, "\par\smallskip\noindent\parbox{" /// + twidth + "}{\raggedright \scriptsize " + fn + "}") fput(fh_out, "\normalsize") if (do_caption == 1 & cappos != "above" & title !="") /// fput(fh_out, "\caption{\label{tab:" /// + caplab + "}" + title + "} \par \vspace{2ex}" ) if (do_caption == 1) fput(fh_out, "\end{table}") if (strtoreal(st_global("ssf")) == 1) /// fput(fh_out, "}") if (do_tleft == 0) fput(fh_out, "\end{center}") if (do_land == 1) fput(fh_out, "\end{landscape}") } } else if (style == "tab" | style == "csv" | style == "semi") { fput(fh_out, fn) } fclose(fh_out) } void write_bottombody( string scalar style) { outfile = st_global("mainfile") fh_out = fopen(outfile, "a") if (style == "htm") { fput(fh_out, "") fput(fh_out, "") } else if (style == "tex") { fput(fh_out, "\end{document}") } fclose(fh_out) } /* ------------------ misc routines for writing ---------------------- */ /* -----------invoked inline as needed and return string or matrix------*/ function fix_commas(string matrix X) { Z = X for (i=1; i<=rows(Z); i++) { for (j=1; j<=cols(Z); j++) { if (strpos(Z[i,j],",")~=0) /// Z[i,j]=`"""'+Z[i,j]+`"""' } } return(Z) } function strip_delim( /// string matrix X, /// string scalar delim) { Z = X Y = Z[1, 1] k = 2 while (k <= cols(Z)) { if (Z[1, k] != delim) Y = Y, Z[1, k] k = k + 1 } return(Y) } function fixdocxfont( /// real scalar dh, /// real scalar tid, /// real scalar row, /// real scalar col) { font = st_global("tfont") if (font=="bold") m = /// _docx_cell_set_textbold(dh, tid, row, col, 1) if (font=="italic") m = /// _docx_cell_set_textitalic(dh, tid, row, col, 1) return(m) } function fixfont( /// string scalar X) { font = st_global("tfont") style = st_global("style") if (style == "tex"){ if (font == "bold") Z = "\textbf{" + X + "}" else if (font == "italic") Z = "\emph{" + X + "}" if (font == "plain") Z = X } else if (style == "htm") { if (font == "bold") Z = "" + X + "" else if (font=="italic") Z = "" + X + "" if (font=="plain") Z = X } else Z = X return(Z) } function familysize( /// string scalar X) { fontsize = st_global("fontsize") family = st_global("family") if (fontsize != "" | family != "") { if (fontsize != "") { mult = st_numscalar("mult") size = strtoreal(fontsize) * mult X = X + "font-size: " + strofreal(size) + "px;" } if (family != "") X = X + " font-family: " + family + ";" } return(X) } function updatelines( /// real matrix thelines, /// real scalar therow) { thelines = st_matrix("linelist") thelines = thelines, therow st_matrix("linelist", thelines) thelines = st_matrix("linelist") return(thelines) } function fixmulti( /// string matrix inrow) { w = cols(inrow) mstr = J(1,w,"") mnum = J(1,w,0) k = 1 mstr[1,1] = inrow[1,2] mnum[1,1] = 1 for (j=3; j<=w; j++) { p = j-1 if (inrow[1,j]==inrow[1,p]) mnum[1,k] = mnum[1,k]+1 else { k = k+1 mstr[1,k] = inrow[1,j] mnum[1,k] = 1 } } count = sum(mnum) multi1 = mstr[1,1] multi2 = strofreal(mnum[1,1]) j = 2 while (mnum[1,j]~=0) { multi1 = multi1, mstr[1,j] multi2 = multi2, strofreal(mnum[1,j]) j = j+1 } multi = multi1 \ multi2 if (cols(multi)==count) multi[2,1] = "na" return(multi) } function rotate( /// string scalar X) { style = st_global("style") angle = st_global("angle") if (style=="tex" & angle~="0") { Z = "\rot{"+angle+"}{"+X+"}" } else Z = X return(Z) } function texclean( /// string scalar X) { a = X style = st_global("style") if (style=="tex"){ b = subinstr(a,"$","\\$") c = subinstr(b,"&","\&") d = subinstr(c,"_","\_") e = subinstr(d,"%","\%") f = subinstr(e,"<","$<$") g = subinstr(f,">","$>$") h = subinstr(g,"+","$+$") } else h = a return(h) } function strip_underscore( /// string scalar X) { a = subinstr(X,"_"," ",.) return(a) } function check_empty( /// string matrix B, /// real scalar rowcheck) { Z = 1 for (j=2; j<=cols(B); j++) { if (B[rowcheck,j] != " ") Z = 0 } return(Z) /*note that test is against space, because _ is converted to space*/ } end